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M�E71NG 5-7.0-76 <br />��=�=d���� ��q `� ���.��e�a.�.,�,�,...������ DATF: <br />� A-' t.;:•,1 Sc---������ ----- OR4GINATI�JG D�PT./DtV.: <br />Ne�:r:�ngs A� <br />.._� ircn� ars:��u�.c;�•� pq��hcls Coristrtzc�ion Compan.y re�Ltest for firial <br />plat approv�l "P•Iichels Lake Park"at 25QC1 Pdar��Y� �Iamla.n.e <br />DEPT.NEaD APPROVAL. <br />t� � <br />PAGFl. EVIE1"!ED/RE:CQthMEtdDa: <br />��� <br />;� <br />_.�_ � �..____ � <br />The Planninb Coitunissian at �he Dete�Tiber 3, meefiing unanimously recommended approval of <br />Plichels Constrtzc�ion Co�ar�y rec{t.cs� for prelirr�in�.ry pl� t"i��ichels Lake Park' at <br />2500 Nor�.h Ham�Line and recommencl.�d that 1 ernwood Avenue be z�ra�,ed betiveen h��oalcs <br />at�cl O�kcxest �n,d ��he de�#acation oi: �he park pro�erty acce�ted by tY�e Ci�y. <br />The t;oun.ciJ. ap�roved the prelimi.nary plat i� P,ecemb�r of 1�75, ancl contir�u�d the heari.�� <br />on th� final plat f'ram severa]. meetings because the hard i-�e�re not co .r�lei.ed. <br />P!;r, Vic h1ic3�els in�lica�ted on May 6, that �hey are sti11 attemp-�ing to resolve the <br />dif�i.cizlties regarciing th�� easement which ti�iilli�ms B�others Pipe Lii�e has o�. the property, <br />�.ir��il that question xs resol�red �lze hard shells �arznot be co�ple�ed. <br />Council Actiion�u�s�ed: �Iot�on continuing bicl�el.s Construction Company <br />rec{L�est for final plat approval `"Michels Lake Pax-�" <br />at 250fl North Harnline until the meeting of June 24, <br />1976. <br />.�_��_. . _'� _��---,_��_ ��- .�.r-Li�r�. <br />