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Ordina�ce <br />Resolution <br />�' 1)1 T1'1 d 4 �'� <br />C( t?.y �1s��� '?'���-r.,s r�?d )ef�nitionl. <br />A la�d e�acted by t�e r�uh.icinal s�ovex�nin� bQCIy. <br />Forma� cieclaratian of a s��cific action pertaining �� a��i��� set of <br />ci.rc�ms ta_nces <br />Rezoning Change in the zonir�g c�assification of a parcel of land requi.rang pvblic hear- <br />ings before the P�an,Zing Co�ranission and C,otmci�. [Cot�cil ,a?�nro�x r���s <br />4/5 rlajority) . <br />�uilding Perriit issuad by th� City allowir� 'the rece�ien� � cvnstr�Gt br xemodel a <br />k'ermit structure which confor�s t,rith i.he cod�, <br />SpeciaZ Bse Land use allotiaed in a particu�.ar classificarian but requirzng a pexmit <br />wfiich may be issued after public hearings before th� Plann.ino Co�ssian and the <br />eouncil. <br />I.Tarzance <br />N?it�or <br />Vara� ance <br />Site Pla� <br />Non <br />Conformina <br />D�ti�.sion of <br />Lot <br />Subdivis ion <br />A deviation £rom code requirements �rhen there are practical difficulties or <br />�usual hardshins in carxying out the provis�ons o� the zpning code. <br />A deviatzon from code rec�uirer.tents in re�ards to frpnt, side or rear yard setback: <br />in R-1 and R-2 zoning distxicts. <br />Dratving or diagram shawin¢ all nhvszcal facilities on a parcel of Zand includinb <br />builcling, parking areas, Iandscapxng, access, etc. <br />Any structure or use o� land la�a£ully existing before the enact3nent of a specif�c <br />ordinance ��hich c�oes not conform �o present zan�ng regulatians. ("grand�athered i� <br />To dzvide a narcel af ].and � into tiao Zots . , <br />� <br />To divide a parcel of Iand �nto three or mnre Iots. <br />Vacation of Process o� reYeas�ng lan �. �ahxch was previousiy dedicated to .the CiLy far t�se as a <br />�?i.ght--of-way roach,�ay <br />�asement A parcel of land upon which the c�.ty or individual has obtained the legal right <br />to maintain or operate a specifxc facility. <br />Prelimar_ary Tentative map or pian of a pranosec� sLtbdivision shawing legal bat�daries, rights- <br />Plat of-way, utili�ies, easements, layout of str�et, water courses an�.other features. <br />Final P1at 1�Iap ax p1an of a subdivision as a fznal doc�nt includin� aI7. inform,ata.on require <br />an the preliminaxy piat show�.ng a.n accurate deta�l and ancox�noratzng any necessar} <br />changes agreed to zn the pr�lir.iinary plat, <br />Hard Shells Neavy paper used �or final plat documer_t, �i1ed with City records a�Eter being <br />recox�ed by n�gister o� Dee�s of �h.e County. <br />P�a�portzon- The distribution to new�y formed parcels of an assessm.ent already �evied agaznst <br />ment a parcel of land necessitated by the diva.sion or platting o� the parcel. <br />TL�sidence Districts <br />- �ng1e ami y <br />R- 2 'Itao family <br />R--3 thru R-7 P4ultiple <br />Rosevil�.e Zon" Classificatior�s <br />Business istrzct�;. <br />- �mite <br />B-I-B Lir:iited Retail <br />�amiTy B-2 �;etaz� <br />B- 3 C'3eneral <br />SC Shanping Center <br />Ind�.2strial Di.s�ricts <br />� � <br />I-2 General <br />