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A�rr�s;:a ���.TIOC� : <br />..., i . .. .l. .. .�.L{., �..... .ii.. � L... -.. <br />�'�' x�� �:�.��u� �`°�''�� a "��� ''�.� '?a �,�;� � a;�f't� ��,r.�: �i�Y 1Q_, _ 197�i <br />i J � 'Fr. ���-� s.%'1 �a : �.. r' 1 ,i e ,�,. ! <br />a���i>�r�TE.�,c �;_�-r_/o�v.: <br />� .-�..[. <br />���. � , .. i'. �.✓ <br />---^--.--r"_'�"-- . -r--� ._.._�_���.�. - � - - -- -- - - -- - - <br />IT�:, i;�� . � ITEfri f�`_5�f1�P710:•i: <br />�--�; � County �oad G�2 ancE SneT 1 i n� traffi c con-�rol si g��al s a�d str�e <br />� _�.v._._____��_.__-----_-�-�-------________.__.______ �____ ....� _.___._..�._ <br />�7�Pi. I!`AD �1f�� �;,'✓;1L. <br />, �, r.�,, <br />l:�ivi'.. R�ViE`:iED/��C�:4i`J���•.�S. <br />i i c�iits . . - <br />Tn t�� car�y IJ7D's , th� C-i ty en�ered i nto an agree�zier�t �r7 t,1 the ��i rznssa�a ��i gh��ra�� <br />Jepartrr�er�� ar3d Rar�se�� �oun�y for a TOPICS pro,jeci at che ir�tersec�7on of County �.oad �-2 <br />ar7d 5n�1 i i ng Av�nue. At tf�at ti r:�, , s�veral i�i ;f�ti�aay modi fi ca�i ons ti�r� re i ns �i �uted anc� <br />�,pda-�ed. Revam��d traffic sic�nals and str��t iicr���nc� ir:�praven,�nts �•�tr� alsa cons�ructed_ <br />Tf�i � war� i s nc��� eor�pi e�ed and tli� n�xt acti an ��.oul d ba for tf�e C� �v ta forr�al � ze a pro- <br />cedure of aFera�i:i r�,y tnese faci i i t�es i hrouc�h a thr�e party ayreer����� v1i ih �1�e S�ate <br />�iyiz.vay Departnient, the County and ourse7v�s. '�his agreernent ��ou7� be ta cover the <br />cas�, r�ain�enance and aperatian af the �ra�-fic signals and stre2t li�,�ts. <br />The ori gi r�al agr���nent se-� fa�^�h thzit 9U% of the �u�zds �or the i nstal i at� on v�au1 d be <br />. fro�x� th� -��d�ral gov�rn�r�ent, 5% �rom in� State, 5% from �t�e Cour��y, and tnat ti�e e�ec- <br />�' tr� ca1 po�r�er� to apurat� th�se faci � i�i es sE�ai 7 be the cost of tt�e Ci ty of �tos�vi l le. <br />T}7� S��te, �n�er �Fiis agree�nen-�, �rould t�e respansibi� for main�aining and keeping in <br />repai r ti��� traff� c si c��al s, excda�t �or r�7 ampi ng, ci eani ng and pai nti r�r�, ��?�i cS� ti�rou� d be <br />a Gounty respansi �l i ty. ihe Ci ty, i n tur+�, vroul d be respons� 5I� for ciean� ng a►�d re- <br />1 am�i ng th� stre�t I i g}�ts a5 tir�17 as provi cfi ng th2 e1 ectri cal po�ter. <br />Thi s agr�er��n� i s i n a�cordance ti�i t1� tt�e ori gi nal 'chi r�k� r�g on t�e projec� znd �tas �1 r�a�y <br />b�en s� g��ed by Pa��3sey County and 4�11 Z � 7 p turn, b� s�nt t� t��e ���I� nneso-ta EIi ghti�lz� D�Par�;rt�nt <br />+or its sic��ature_fa�lo��ing�actia�� t�y the City. � <br />RE�OI�ii ��.,�D�D COJ��iCIL ACTIO�! : <br />Approval of an agreer��ent ��tti•�een ti�e P-1inr��sata i���hti��ray Depar�tm�nt, Ra�sey Coun�y, and <br />tY�e Ci ty of Rosevi 11� coveri nc� the casi, i,�a� ntenar�ce, ar�r� o{�era�i o�i of traff� c si gnals <br />ar��� stir�e�t 1 i ghts on T•runk !li �Ez4�ai� 51 and Caunty �:aad B-� i der�ti fi �d as Agree��o�n-t i�do. <br />5��.79, o�l Sta�t� Project 5216-G0. <br />..�__.._..._..�. . ___.__--- -- - - �- � �- <br />