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5- TZ:e Cit�• s�aJ.l i:�s��a�Z ar uaLise the installation o� an <br />atiec�u�te electrical �?ow�r to t%e ser�ice �pole or pad ixxc:�udzn�; <br />any r.ecessarv extensions of pov�er lin�s; and upon comp1etion of said <br />traffic si�al i;�stalJ.atio� shall provide necessai-y electrical power <br />�or i �s op;;r�tion at �3.i� cos� a:��' e�e;xse of �he City. <br />6. Upc�n c�r�plef;ion af ihe rror.� ur�dE�- said State Projec� <br />Nn. 627_6-60, �he Sta�� shal� m�intsin and �e�u 5.n r�epair the �raffic <br />sz�n<:.� °}CC�T?� for re'ar.►�in�, cae�.n_ing anci paintir� at its cas� and <br />expeaase; ar_d the Cau*�ty shn1J. re1_a�n�, c�.ean and paint 'cY�e sign�i at <br />z�s cos� and ��pensee ire City sha13. p-rovide �oF:�r and reiamp and <br />clear� the stx�eet li�hts an -�rie szgn�.i poles �t its cost a�d ex�exse. <br />�. Any ar_� all �ers�ns e2��aV�d in tl^.e aforesa�d �ror�. to �e <br />pem�'aAc+ied 'u� 4�-ie �ta�s sha�I not ba cori.,z�cred em�loy�ees of the t;aunty <br />r,-._ . . '- - �. <br />u1 V1L� cu�iu o,ti,. a.�1u cila. �;;ic,ii::� 4ilti� iL"a� ��Y' I�jl�;ii� at'1�C LLtl(1C� L.1C yav�-f.— <br />m�n' � CGI]7p2i:S��lUJ1 Act a� :.�is Siate cn bc�hal� af em�,layses �rhi�e <br />so en�abed, ��d ar,y �r_s� alI c1.�irns rade �y any third p�rty as a can- <br />seq�ience of �::�y �ct or OII17.SS10II on the �art of employee� w'r:a.1.e so <br />�nga��d on ar�>_� of �11E Y.�O2`LC conter�plated herei.n shall not be �he ab�i-- <br />gat'ion and rESpor.silzbit�* of the Countv ox Gity. `I'hs State sh:al� r_at b.a <br />responsi��e ur.der �h�v 4�ork�en's Com�,e�satio.� l�c± �or any erzsployees a� <br />the Caunty or C�.ty. <br />&. A;�1 iimir�t, of the traf fic cor��r�1 signal prav3 aed ior <br />herein shal� be aeter�ined by the State, t�rough its Co:n�?issioner of <br />Hig���rays, ar�d z�� changes aha � 1 be rr;ade therein exce�t witlz �he approval <br />of the Statee <br />5�179 <br />- 3 - <br />, ,: <br />- ' -� , �:� �t,.�� � <br />;� ,>: � . <br />