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� <br />April 7, 1976 <br />PLA�!`��NG REPORT <br />CASF NUh18ER: <br />APPL I CA�IT: <br />LOCATiON: <br />AC�IdiV REQiIESiE�: <br />PLA��;JIfVG CONSIDLRATIOi��: <br />1. The property ir� question <br />fami ly l o�s ti�i th a short <br />platted but never built. <br />family house on one o� th <br />at-tacned -�o this report. <br />hame has b�en constructed <br />currently platted. <br />960-76 <br />J. M. Duddleston, 445 TUrnstone Court <br />ldest of 5ouih OwasSa Boulevard, North <br />of Little Bay Road (see sketcn) <br />Vacatioi� of Street, Approval of <br />Frel�minary Replat <br />was platted some years ago.into four single <br />cu�-de-sac (Turnstone Court} wh�ch �rr�s . <br />The applicant has construc�ed a iarge single <br />e lots as shown on the pre��minary plat <br />A driveway serving the exist�ng singie family <br />on the alignmer�t for t�e cul-de-sac as <br />2. In th�s case, the construct�on of th� eu7-de--sac tiv��h i'ts 120 foot <br />diameter turn around on this hills�de overloaking Lake Oav�sso wauld <br />have a conside•rable d�sruptive effect on the natura� ier�rair�_ The <br />app1icant therefore praposes to div�de the�land in a d�ff�ren-� manner <br />pr�v�ding the sam� four lots but Vlith access -io SoutY� Oavasso 8aul�vard <br />wzthout the use of the cul-de-sac. T�e iot divis�on wou7d be as <br />sho�•�n on the attached drawi nq L��f�i ch pr:�vi des -�or the retenti on of the <br />exi sti ng dri veway to tt�e si ngl e faEni ly hone (on a 40 foot 4�ri dth} and <br />the development of a cantiguaus s�ngle Family lot �vith a separate <br />driveway s�r�-i7ar to 4�rhat has a7t°eady been cor�structed. The remaining <br />tti�a 7ots wou�d have 108 f��� arid 11I fe�� of frantage respective�y"on <br />South Owasso Soulevard. <br />3. The lot width at the build�ng line for �t�e tw� lo�s on Lak� O;vasso wou�d <br />be 1�5 feet (exi sti ng i�or��) and 1J.2 fe��t on the 1 ot ta th� norii�east. <br />The i ots fror�t� r�g on Sou-th Owasso Saul evard d� rectly, v�loul d have 100 <br />-Feet of fron�ag� and 105 feet at the �uilding li��. The la� areas vary <br />from �3,54� squar� feet to 14,250 square fe��. <br />4. O�vious7y, the lo� areas and width at the building line far 2KC2ad �he <br />;�Enim�am re;uir^� en�;. Each IoL ;�rill, a� c��;rse, yav� fron��•7� ort a <br />public street with -iwo of the lots having a 40 -�oot frontag� and the�r <br />a���n griv�ie drive�rays to �he �akeshore side. <br />5. It would appear in �his c�se -��at the eliminat-ion o� the c�al-dp-sac to <br />be main�a�r�ed by the City wili cr�ate bet-�er site conditions rar the <br />cans�ruction of ex�ensive single family homes or� th� r�defined �it��. <br />Th�ugh this is not a typicaj so7ution for typ�cal land, we sugg�st <br />that in this cas�, better homesitQs are created tivith adequate public <br />acc�ss to all lots, and the elimir�ation o.f a portion of pu6lic s`reet <br />to be maintain�d by the City in the fUture. <br />