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Orc� inanCe <br />Resa�ut i_on. <br />G( i�v !Js�� "!'c.�-�!s ��n.d �?�inition'. <br />�1 lati.7 enactc�l by t;�e i��.riiciT�a.l �nVer;�in� bec�y, <br />Fornal cleclara.tion o:� a. sn�cifzc action ���-�ainin�; fio � sneczfi.c set of <br />c�rc�.uratances � <br />i?ezo�iinU Ch^nae in the zonin� classi£ication o� a. �arce.l o� lanc� rec�ui�ino puo�ic heai <br />ings b�fore the PIatLZin� �nG Coi:nci�, (Cotmcil ��nrova� ree�uires <br />4/5 r�ajoraty). <br />I:aildzng Pexr•ii� ISSLl�d �,y rhe City allowzn; the rece�ient ta construct ar rer�ad�I a <br />��emir s�ruc�Ctzre trh�.ch car�£ox*�s t�ith the cod4, <br />5pecial Lse I.and use a11o�4ed in a narricular zoning classifzcatio;� but renuzri�n.g a permit <br />w�3ch may be issued after pubJ.a.c hearings b�fore the Plann.inb�on and the <br />Co�uacil, <br />Zrarian.ce <br />Minor <br />�iari.ance <br />Site Plan <br />Non <br />Con�oxmin;� <br />Di��asion of <br />Law <br />Subdivisian <br />A devia�ion �rom code req�airements i;?�en �here are pract�cal difficultxes �r <br />imusual hardshi�s in carx�yin.g out t�?� provisions o� the zoning code. <br />A deva.atzon from cod.e xeqL�irer�Qnts in rega;.ds �o £ront, si�e ar rear yard setbacks <br />� �-�. aszd R-2 zonin� �istricts, <br />Dracaing or diagrarrt sho�ri.n�. alI nhysical faci�ities on a parce]. of Ian� �ncluding <br />building, parking areas, Zandsca�ing, access, etc. <br />Any structure or use o£ 1ane� law£vZly e:�l5tl7i� befor� th� enac�,ent af a spe�ific <br />ordinance t�rhirh does not canform to present zaning re�lations. {"gr�rt.dfathered in' <br />To divide a narcel of �and into tiao lots . <br />To divide a parcel of �and in�o three or more �ats. <br />Vacatioa of Process of releas�ng lan� which was previ.owly dedicated ta the C�-ty� for use as a <br />Ri.ght-of-�lay roadzaay <br />�r�ent A parcel af land �on i>>h�.ch the city or inaividual has abtained ti�.e �ega� r�ig�?t <br />to r,tainCain. ar operate a 5peCific facility. <br />i'relir�►ir..azy Tentative t*ia� ar plan of a pronosed s��division SR06J1I1Q �ega� boundaries; rights- <br />Pla�. of-way, utilzties, ease:rents, layout o£ stxeet, water ccurses and other £eatures. <br />�ina� Plat t•'ap or plan o� a subd�visinn as a£inal doct�:ent incl�zd�ng aIl infoxmation require� <br />on the prel,iminary plat showing in accurate d�tail and incar�oratin8 any necessary <br />chan�oes agreed to in the prelir.iz.nary pzat. <br />Nard Shells N�:avy paper used far x inal pla.t doc�+.e�.t, �ile� w�.th City recards after bezng <br />rec�x��d by ��ga�ster of Deed� of the Co�mty. <br />P.�a�por-Ci,on- The distiribution to newly �ormAd parce�s of an assesst^ent alr�ady �evie� �.ga.inst <br />ment a parcel of ].a..nd ne�cessitated by the division ox platting of the parcel. <br />Rosevil�,e Zonin� Classificatzon.s <br />�°siclence �I5't.2'1Ct5 Bl.LS1T1E.'SS D15�r1.C�Cs <br />_ -7. �ng].e arnlly _ imzte <br />R-Z T�,ro family �-1.-8 Lina.ted Retail <br />R-3 thru R-7 t��.tiple Far�.ily �-2 netai.l <br />� B-3 General <br />S� Shopn�.na Cen-�er <br />�ndu�trial T�is�ricts <br />=7. L�g t <br />T-2 General. <br />