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( <br />Case Num�e�r: 964-76 <br />Apri � 7 , 1975 <br />l <br />Page Tt�o <br />4. A variance �s requpsied to t�e density requir�men� in as much as no <br />specific density stan�ards for housing far the elderly are es�abl�shed <br />in the ordinance. The ord�nance requires 2,000 square feet of land <br />for a one bedroam un�t and 2,500 sq�are -Feet of Iand for a two bed- <br />roorr� unit. A credit af 300 square feet per unit is provided for <br />parking underground or b��o4v �he bu�lding. These standards are <br />appropriate and have beert successfu7 in Ros�v�ile �or the typicai <br />apartment projec� (not inc�uding exc�usive eld�rly uni�s). E.and area <br />r�quired according to the ordinance for the 2I4 uni-�s would be �69,600 <br />square �'ezt. area required for the fam�ly hausing un7ts <br />(92 tQV�mhouses} wou�d be 225,b00 square feet. The land area of the <br />nine acres is 392,QG0 sq�,�are -Feet. Thcas, �he land area devoted ta <br />ihe senior citizens hausing is �.�6,44� square fee�. A typical densi-�y <br />standard for senior citizens housi�g �vouid 6e 1,000 square feet per <br />un�t. On this basis, 822 wnits praposed in the s�ructure would require <br />122,000 square -Feet leav�ng us approximately 44,00� square feet ir� excess <br />of �hat standard whicn is thz equivalent to slightly more than an acre. <br />5. The �roposed design provides one g�rage plus one open parking space <br />-�or each of the 92 to;•�nhouse ur�its as rec��ired �y ordinance. The 122 <br />seniar citizens un�ts are provided with 24-garages and 39 open s�aces <br />equal-ing �3 �arking spaces or sl�gh��y mare thar� 2 parking space per <br />un�t. 7he commonly excep�ed standard for szn�ar c-i�izens hausing <br />ir� urban areas is a parlcir�g space per uni�. irte suggest, h�w�ver, �hat <br />one-ha7f space per unit is more appropriate for this specif�c locat3on not <br />cur�^ently on a hi g'n-1 �vel servi Ge transi t 1 i ne. UIe �•�oul d ant� c� pate the <br />parking s�aces providp� �o be adec�u�te for �he proposerS deveioprrent. <br />6_ `�he special use perm�t is required -For m��tiple struc�ures over threa <br />storYes in heigh� in �his City. In this casa, -the permit is requested <br />for seven stories for +r�t�ich the -�ront yard setback r�quir�m�nt wfluld <br />be three--quarters nf the height which Lvould be ap�roxima�ely �0 feet. <br />The proposed set�ack i� 60 feet, Th� remain3ng building da no� exc�ed <br />three s�ori es and r�e�t or exceed t�e requi red setback requi rer�eni,s . <br />The purpose far requir�ng a specia.l use p�rmit for structUres over �hree <br />stories was to control the situation where such hig�r�r structures might <br />be con�iguous to sin�ie family homes or some d�velo��;�en� that m�g�t <br />suffer aesti��tically as a resu7t. In this case, ti�e cont-iguous properties <br />�o the no�th and to t�� souti� are zaned com^�ercial and the properties <br />a�rass from Snelling �venue are of course zoned for commerc�al d�velopment <br />as ��el�. Th� n�ar�st single rami�y h�mes are appraxi�ately �wo blocics <br />a►�iay to the nor�h and eas� t•rith �he Ct�urch, Ra1pY� Reeder Elem�ntary <br />S�noo7 , a.n:i somz of ��;e �hre� s�ory �n�,�n'ROLIS� Erri �s bQt�;�ee:� �i�� i��m2s <br />and the proposed s�ven stary unit s�te. <br />7. The averall developr�en� pian is subject to a s�ecial use perm�t for <br />approval of the "planned unit development". This af ca�rse, eov2rs <br />the iayaut of the building,parkinc� arrangemen�, access drives, building <br />mat�rials, and use of color, exter�or massing, provisio,�s far utilities, <br />landsca�e design, arid grad�nc�. Large sca3e drawings of the ptanned un�t <br />deve7opment covering th�s� elerr��nts will �e presented at the hearin�. <br />The staff has m�� numeraus �imes ti�rith the developer and �Jith their <br />arc�i tects rev i eU�i ng el err,en�s af these pl ans . Fi nal cal cul ati ons <br />