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F.XTRACT OF MINUTES 0� THE CiTY COUi�rCIL OF <br />ROSEVII,J,F, MINNESOTA - HELD �Iay 17, 1976 <br />� x . �t �E ic �t �C �C �; �t � �e �h �t �e �+: �c �e �: �c s: <br />Pursuant to due call and no�ice thereof, a regular <br />ms�ting of the City Counex� a£ the City of Rosev:�l.le, Minx�.esota, <br />was du�y cal�ed and. held at the City HaI� at 7; 30 P.R4. , Iulonday, <br />N1ay 17, 1976. <br />The fozlowing members iJere present: <br />and the �ollawing were ahsent: <br />Member introduced the fallowing xesolution <br />and moved i�s adaption: <br />RE50LUI'I�N N0. <br />�Yf�REPiS, cer�Cain members of tne Roseville Po�.zce . Depart�ent <br />have jo�ned Local 32Q of �he Internationa�. Bxotherhood of Teamsters <br />and certain members of th� Roseville 5treet Div�sion ot the Pub�.ic <br />Woxks Depar�ment, along with certain members af the Raseville Utility <br />Division of the Public Works Department, an.d certazn members of �he <br />Roseville Parks £� Recreation Departmen�, have joined I,aca1 49 0£ the <br />Internat�.ona1 Un.ion of Operating Engineers; an.d <br />WHEREAS, the City� has recagnized the abQVe two <br />Union organ.izat�ions as the sole representatives for thase employees <br />who have joined the above unions; and <br />W�REAS, these Uni.ons are xepresented by busin�ss agents; and <br />WHERF.AS, the C�ty Cotm�il is dpsirou.s of�azning proper <br />relationships with the above named Itnivns and their respective businESs <br />a�ents; <br />NDi�V, TH�REFORE, BE iT RESOLVED, that in negotia�ions to be <br />conducted bet�een Loca1 320 �BT and Local 49 IUOE, that the Czty C�uncil <br />appoint the Gity Manager, or hzs agent, to he the City representati�re <br />in any and a17. � negotiations for the year 19716. <br />� <br />