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AGEh'D:. S�C flO+V: <br />�n...��..�?,...� � �''�� ��J�3���,.:��.. �� � ���'?� uc�kt. ,., �., ,v <br />ORIGINATING D�P7./dIV.: <br />1 „� , � n,.�. <br />�.i..I�V,?I,. :S li1 ...._�_��.'L.�7L�::3 �,I.IJ ��:LJ�I�r.. .�:/:.I..i <br />ir�rn rso_: �TEr,� o�sc2��TEON: �qE7ROPOLI7A��! 1'RA�dSI� COi9��lISSIO,J �3liS <br />�" � � SklCLiEi2 P�OGRA��1 FOR 197b <br />G <br />DEPT. HEAD llf'PROVELL. <br />C� V /�{ <br />MGf2. REVIty4/cQ/P.�COMhfci�:t�y: <br />� <br />-- �` �� <br />�"he ;�letropol i tan Trans i t Car�m� ss i on has noti fi ed tt�e c7 ty that thzy have a prograr;� <br />for tf�e purchase and i nstal I ati on of bus shel �ers ��rougE�out the r��tro area. The <br />p ri r�ary she7 ter �o b� used i n tn i s program 4v� 11 be a 6' x 1 t' enel osed-type af <br />snelter. 1'he cor�mission has determined that if tf�e location recamnended by tPie <br />muni ci pal i ty serves 40 or more boardi ng passengers a aay, t�le cor�mi ssi on �v� 11 pay <br />a17 s� te cEevel opr�ent costs and �ri 17 ma� nzai n the structure after i nstall ati or�. If <br />the loading shau7d be betweer� 20 and 40 pass�ngers per day, �he local municipality <br />is b�ing asked �o pick up the cost for site impravament (�b00 per site), and per� <br />f�rm the rau�ine main-�enance during th� year, (shovAling in the 4vinier and picking <br />up Zeaves and pape�^s in t1i� sumraer.) It shouid bn no�ed that, shou7d t�2 loadinq <br />ever r-ise above 40 persans per day, thp l�TTC wouid then taEce over tf�e norrial rautin� <br />mai ntenance of the sF�el �er. i� t�ze loadi na i s b�Ioti•r 20 passengers p�r day, the cor�- <br />�ission is recor�nendirtg, at this time, taht the sh�lter not be placed due-to lacfc <br />of use. - . <br />i11e staff has revie�l�d the bus routes as they presently exis� ar�d req�ested the com= <br />missivn to do ioad counts at various locations througtlout the city. These 7oad <br />counts w�re taEcen for. the most part at pl aces wi�er� pi cic�aps. were be� ng made wh�r� a <br />nearby shel t�r tivas riot avai 1 ab7e. As a r�sul t af ti�e load �ount, the �9e�ro Trans_i t <br />C�ru�i ss � or� i�as fo und �hat the�^e are t��o s� �es i n P.osevi 7 i e ti�at wouZ d 4�arran� a bus <br />she7ter. Tne firs� is on•Rice Street a� the �ntersection of Littl� Canada P.oad. <br />This 7oca�ion has a pres2nt i�ading of more tnai� 40 persans per day and, there-Fare, <br />the i1TC ti�lou�c� assurie ali costs of developr��nt and maint�nance. They are asking, <br />ho:�rever, tt�at ti�e city formal1y requ�s� a bus shelter to be placed at tha� locafi.ion. <br />Tl�e second poten�iai site is located at County Road B and �ale Street. At tFcis site, <br />tne present loading is 2� persons per day. It ti,roulc�, ti�erefore, be necessary for <br />th� city to request p7acer�ent ofi the shel�er, make th�.necessary si�e impravements <br />and as;urne the mai nienancW of -�i�e sh�l ter, once i�, i s pl ac�d. <br />RECOi�i�1�idD�D I�CiI�td: <br />Approva7 of a moti on di recti ng the r�anager ta request �}�e <br />t�etro�o]itan Transit Cor�rr�ission �a place bus shel'ters at <br />{A) Rice.Street at �itt7e Canada �oad. <br />(�) At Cvun�y Road B and aale Street. <br />