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CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br />Regular Meeting af the City Council - October 2d, 1975. <br />The City Council met on t.he above date with the following <br />members present: Nlayor Linebarger, Councilmen Curley, Demos, <br />Hess and Brennano <br />A-1 Brennan Moved, Hess Seconded, that the minutes of the meeting <br />of Octaber 6, 1975, be approvede Roll Call, Ayes: Curley, <br />Demos , Hsss , Brennan and I,inebarger. Nays : None. <br />B-1 Curley Moved., Demos Seconded, that the Northern States Power <br />Company`s proposal to construct a 400 MVA line and s�port <br />towers along the Niinnesota Beltline Railroad replacing the <br />existing 200 MVA line by placement o� steel lattice towers in <br />tihe industrial area and single pole steel towexs aiong the <br />western Ieg through the residential areas in Roseville be <br />approvedo Roll Ca11, Ayes: Curley, I�mos, Hess, Brennan and <br />Linebargere Nays: None, <br />B-2 Hess Moved, Brennan Secanded, that Harold Ecistrom's request <br />for final plat approval "Edstrmn Addition" at 2137 Wi11i�n <br />Street be continued �to the meeting of October 27, 1975. Roll <br />Ca11, Ayes: G�rley, Demos, Hess, Brennan and Linebarger. <br />Nays: None. <br />B-3 Hess Moved., Brennan. Secon�ed, that Ray Kroiss' request for <br />final plat approval "White Oak Hil�s No. 2" at about 3030 North <br />C1eveland Avenue be continued until the meeting of 4ctober 27, <br />1975o RoIZ Call, Ayes: Curley, Uemas, Hess, Brennan and <br />Linebarger. Nays: Noneo <br />E-1 Demos Nbv+ed, Brennan Seconded, that the proposed Rose Garden <br />at ihe si�e of the new city ha1Z be named in memory of Mr, and <br />Mrs. Leonard Ayd, foxmer awners of the city hall property, <br />Roil Call, Ayes: Cux°ley, Demos, Hess, Brennan and �,inebarger. <br />Nays: None. <br />E-2 Curley A�oved, Demos Seconded, that Resolution No. 6306 relating <br />to the City of Roseville Firemen's Relief Association Serv�ce <br />Pensions be adapted. R,�11 Cal�, Ayes: Curley, Demos, Hess, <br />Brennan and Linebarger. Nays: None. <br />E-3 Demas Nbved, Brennan Seconded, that Resolution No. 63Q7 author- <br />ing the Mayor an�. Manager to sign an earnest money contract for <br />the purchase of a residence and lot at 2485 North Victoria <br />Street £rom Henxy Eo Miller, et aI, in the amoturt of $20,283.00; <br />and furthex authorize the Mayor and Mariager to enter into a <br />wrztten lease agreement providin,g for the rental of said property <br />tio Henry Eo Miller, et al, for the remainder of theix lives or <br />until they permanently move from the premises. Roi1 cai�, Ayes: <br />Curley, De�nos, Hess, Brennan ana Linebarger, Nays: None. <br />7:30 P.M. <br />MINUTES <br />NORTHERN <br />STATES <br />POWER Cfl. <br />HAROLD <br />EDSTROM <br />RAY KROISS <br />AYD RQSE <br />G�ARDII�1 <br />RESQLUI'ION <br />N0. 6306 <br />RESOLUI'IQN <br />N0. 6307 <br />