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Stmm�.ry of Praposed Coi.2nty Legislation <br />�ox 1976 State Legislative Sessian <br />S.F. I541 Deletes the requirement that R�rESey County �Yelfare Baard must submit <br />budget estimates to County Board by July �.. The Ramsey Co�.mty Board <br />is now also the N�elfare Board. Hennepin Cotu�.ty Board also serves as <br />the Wel£are Board and is exemp�ed in th� general statutcs {393.08). <br />H.F. lSfi6 Provides that the County Assessor, Co�ty Highwa.y Engineer and ti'eterans <br />Serv�ce Officer shall serve a� the pleasure of the Board of Cvunty <br />Corr�nissionexs and may remove them a� any t�.me by tlie affirma�ive vote of <br />five o� its membexs. (Presently the Assessor is appointed for four (4) <br />years, the Coimty �ngineer for four (4) years and the Veterans ServiCe <br />Officer far faur (4) years). Caurt Commissioner is not zn bz1l as <br />indicated by County sL�unary, but �'I. Vaught said ii will be included. <br />H.F. 1464 Provides that the County Board shall se� the civil process fees for the <br />Sheriff of Ramsey Coun�y. Fresently those fees are speci�ically provided <br />for in speezal �egislation for Raznsey Coun.ty. <br />H. F. 1460 Provtdes tha� the Ra��sey Caunty Board rnay set a reasanable allowance far <br />expenses or a per d'zem allawance for members of boards or agencies authar- <br />ized by statute. Presently l�i.S. 1974, 375.4fi al�ows counties �o set <br />expenses ior boards, but excludes fhose Counties containing cities of the <br />�irst class. (Ramsey, Hennepin and St. Louis). Ramsey CoLm�ty is requ�st- <br />ing the same authority as the other cotmties ta se� expense levels. <br />H. F. 1462 Provides for a five rneruber Civil Service Board. Present xr�embership is set <br />at three, per 1974 Laws, Chapter �35, Sec. 3.02 (b}. The reason, supposedly, <br />to get more of a variety af vieivpflxnts on the Board. <br />�I, F. I563 Cfa:at�ges the name of the hospita� co�nission from "Itamsey Catmty Ho�pita]. <br />and Sanitaritun CommYSSion" to "Rac�sey CAUnty Hospital Com�tission"; places <br />the appointmEn� and xemoval of chzef executive off�cEr and his assistants <br />at the pleasuxe of �he Hospital Commission; allows the hospital to purchase <br />goads and services from anywhexe if its at a lawer cost - presen�].y hospxtal <br />purchasing is res-Cricted thraugh St. Pau1 purcha.sing deparYment, or other <br />gav�rruaental purchasing of�ices. This wauld enable them ta purchase jo�ntly <br />wi'�h other haspi�als for "pa�ient caxe" �ype needs, pa�ticu�.arly. <br />H.F. I463 �Ibolishes the Ramsey Co�ty P1at Cammission and estaUlishes the office of <br />County' Surveyor, and allows Cotmty Board to set fees far approval af plats <br />and s�rveys. The present plat co�nissian is made up af four members - Qne <br />of whom is ex-officio the City Engineer of 5t. Pau1_ Under general <br />statutes, County Surveyars are reqtii.reci to be certified by �the State as <br />registered I.and surv�eydrs. <br />