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� <br />r <br />LUCY M. Ci-IANDLER <br />Prssfdant <br />JLiItUS FUI7H <br />Executive Vice Pr°si@anS <br />3ERRY J. BFSOWi�I <br />Vice prasldent <br />Sal9s and MarkeEina <br />PNILLIP H. FrSARTIN <br />Sacretary S Ganeral Coansa3 <br />PAU� HEUSER <br />pirecto► o� Production & Reaearch <br />CH�..-�DLER-WiLBERT VAULT CG� _r�ANY <br />Rosev3lie Planning Commiss�on <br />270i L�x�ng�an Avp. i�. <br />RaseviYle, Minn. 55113 <br />Dear� Sirs: <br />223D �1QRTH H,aMLIN� AVENIJE <br />SAINT PAUL, MiNNESOTA 55i�3 <br />AFiEr'� CODE: b12-631-�234 <br />Qctober 16, �975 <br />5ub,�ec�: Rezoning of the pro��rty a� 2Z70 North E�amline Avenue from <br />R�sidential ta Industria7 <br />Th� Chandl�r-Wil�ert Va�alt Camoany has manufa�tured concr�te buriai <br />vaults at 228U �lartn Hamline Avznu� for the last 34 ;��ars. 7�e �roparfif at <br />2270 North Haml i n� Avenue, curr�r�tl y owned by t9r. and P•trs. Paul Heuspr, i s di - <br />recily south and adjacent to our prop�r�y. 7h� comoa�y and �ar. an� 1�irs. F�te�s�r <br />f�ave been disrussing the possibility of th� �urcf��se o�F this prop�rty by �he <br />corzoany. �e h�v,� re��ested, ho�vever, that thi s proper�y be re�one� from resi -- <br />dential to 3ndustrial before com��etinq t�e purchase. <br />�'he �rop�r�y in question �rras at orte tim.e owned �y �the Chandler-��Jiib�rt <br />11�u1t G�mpany and was sold by the company to ��lr. and Mrs. Paul H��ser. Mr. Heuser <br />was a� that time and is sti11 employed by th� company. A-� -�ha� t�rr:e, an agree- <br />ment tivas executed betw��n �he Heusers and t�e campany giving the comoany the op- <br />tion �o p�rc�ase t�e prop�rty back in thp even� ihe i-Eeusers �ver decided to s�li. <br />This agreement was �xecutQd to al7ow fvr any possible expansion by the �ampany. <br />�he cnmpany current7y has no de-Finit� Qiarrs for ex�ansion. i�owev�r, we <br />arn samey�rhat cramp�d for space, a�d ca� roresee the poss�b�li�y t�� exp�nding ir� <br />th� fut�are. B�cause af our locatzon, any expansion ��o�ld have to �� to th� east <br />or south ot ou�^ current �aci � 7 ty. Ar�y expansi on to tn� east ��o�l d cut i n ta our <br />parking �oi ar wo�rld cut off the access to our parlcing lot. 7h��, any expansion <br />ti•rout d vi rtua7ly nQCessi tate th� use of addi ti onal_ �roperty, masf ] i keiy fo�^ use <br />as parking. <br />Additionally, th� acc�ss to our current parking lot is rr�ry pQOr, �nd <br />thP prop�r�y 4rou1 d g-i ve the company an a1 �er�r,ati v� paYk� ng 1 ocati an . Fi nal �y, the <br />nrnperty would est�b7ish a b��ffer be��reen th4 cor�pany and the surroundz►�g neigY�-- <br />6orhood. <br />Sinc� h1r. Fleus�r w317 b� retiring and moving in the near future, and <br />MAiVUFACTUFEINCi PLAAlTS_ <br />MINNESOTA <br />MANKATO FAFi!$AU�T <br />I�iORR!$ FiEOYJOdD FALLS <br />AUSTI�! ST. C�O170 <br />N�Ri�1�! DAKOTA <br />FARGp <br />JAIaiES70WN <br />4YISCONSIN <br />M IL�VAV iCEE <br />CHIPP�lNA FAtLS <br />��s��reurostsH�w <br />tiYp7ERTOINN ABEFtDEEY, <br />DE PERE SOUTY DAKOYA <br />�' <br />