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December 3 , 1975 <br />PLfi1vtJINL, KEPORT <br />CASC F�E�t��BFP,: <br />F�PPLICAfr'T: <br />LOCATI OPJ : <br />ACiiDN REQUESTED: <br />PLAI�I��IN� COPdSID�RATIONS: <br />945-75 <br />8an-Con, Inc_ <br />��or�i�ti�est corner of ��linnesota Avenue ---- <br />and R�i ce Street <br />Rezoninq frflm R-6 and B-1 �o R�l and B-2 <br />and Appraval of Preli►�inary Plat <br />1. The praper�y in ques�ion represents �he remainder of the �and ovaned <br />by the 8an-Con peo�le in Rose�ille in t�is area. They propose <br />40 �ed�cate appro;ci�ratel� a l�tt{e over an acre af �ha z��ester1y <br />portion as an additian �to �laCerion Park_ The central portion is <br />proQOSed to be rep7atted into e�ght single -ramily ho�ne sites. <br />The remaining 2DQ feet to the east is propased �o be rezoned fram <br />B-1 a�d R--1 to 8-2. T�i s area 4,�i tf� 2Q0 -Feet af depth and 217 <br />feet of frontage or� Ri ce Street woul d be c�1 vi ded i n two for the <br />potentia�E use of a possible pair of res�aurants on ti�ese sites. <br />P!o sp�ci�ic.development is proposed �For these sites at �th�s time. <br />2. Large sca7e dra�,vings wi7� be available at the ��eting to <br />illustra�e �he proposed land uses as �hey relate to �he topography <br />and contiguous develo�r�ent. The l�nc� proposed to be dedica-i:ed <br />for park aurposes �s very attractive prop2rty, much of it heavi7y <br />�rrootied on the sou�h end of the pond and ridge area an the eas� <br />side of t�laterion Park. You 4,r�11 recal7 port�ons of the pond <br />and park areas bei ng decii ca�ted by tf�e Ban--Con peoole a�FeUr �ont�s <br />�go. <br />3. ihe subdivisian of the land f�r single family purposes ti�r�li enhance <br />the existing s�nc�Ze farr�ily develcpmen� in the area and function <br />as a transit-�on 4o the comrrtercial develapment that exists to the <br />northeast and as propased to the east on Rice Street. Evaluat�on <br />of the proposed 3-2 zaning on Rice Street woUld be en�anced if� <br />specific dzvelognent tivere available. Assuming careful site planr�in� <br />ofi any specif�c project, �t �vauld aopear t1�at tf�e sites could <br />be trel l handl ed i n rel ati onsh i p-to access and bui l di ng 1 aca�Li an . <br />Examination of the topographical maps at the meeting t•rill indicate <br />t�Ze considerah�e grade difference bett�reen tlinnesota Street and <br />i.he 8-2 �roperty. I� �his is pro��rly handled, it could ser�e as <br />a substan��al screening element for any future development o-f the <br />properti es i n ques-ci on _ Access o�Ff of l�loodbri dge Stre�t can <br />be emphas-ize� as a means of minimiz�ing traf�ic d�rect7y off Rice <br />S�re�t or ��i nr�esota Street. <br />