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� <br />CI'I'Y �� ';�7S�VILLE <br />Regulax° �9ee�in� �� the City Coun�il, rdovember 10, 19750 <br />T}�e Ci�y Catmc�l met �n �th� abmve �ate with the �a11�,wing <br />member�s pre�ent o Mayo� L�n�b��ger�, Coun�cilmen Demo� 9 Hess , <br />B�°ennan and Cu�leyo <br />A-1 Demos Mov��9 Hess S�candeda �at the minutes of �he r�gu�a� <br />meeting af O��ober 27� 19�5, be �ppro�red� ���1 Ca11, �iy�e�; <br />Demos , Hess , Brenn� a C�.tz°ley �n� Lineba��er, Nays : I�1an� o <br />A�2 Hess Move�., Dem�� S��and�d, th�� the m�nutes o� tfi� spe��a1 <br />meeting of Norrember 5 9 1975, be appr�vedo RoI� Cal]l, ay�e� : <br />Demo�, He�s y B�°enn�, G�arie� and Li.r�eb�.rgex°, I�ays: 1Ve�n�� <br />Demos Maved, Hess 5e�ond�ci� tYsat the i'.,otuic�l join w��h th� <br />Mayor in px°o�laiming the w�e�c of I�%vember Ib ifiru No-v�ml�er 22, <br />1975 as "Americ�n �duc���dn ��V���c" � Roll Ca1T, Ay�� :�Jemos , <br />Hess� Br�nnan9 CuY°ley �n.c� Lineb�.rgex�e Nays: Noned <br />B-1 G�Zr1ey I�Ro�ved, Hess Secondeci, th�� �h� reque�t �f Ray ICrai�� <br />for fina.l plat �ppxoval "'�hi�e Oak Hi11� Noo 2" a� ab�ut. �030 <br />North Clerreland Avenue be cant�nued unt�l fih� mee�°t�g �f <br />November I� a 1975o kc�1� Ca11, Ayes : Demos � Hes� y B�c°�nnan, <br />Curley and Linebar�g��°� Nays: Nan�a <br />C-1 Demos P4dved, Lineb�r�gex� Secondec�, �l�a.t �he f�llow�ng �r�cs�ec�u�e <br />be adopted for t.�e f�lling of � v�acan�y on �h� R�s�v�l�� Cou��:i1 <br />which wilT �ccur on �anr�axy �., when Mrso D�mc�� �tak�� cf�i�:� � <br />Mayor: <br />1) 'That notice of �he vac�r�� be I�ga��y adr�er�Cised. �Yx �t�� <br />offici��. publ�catirn and pubin��z�d �wi�h tr.heir ����r�.�i�n) <br />in thr•ee n�r�papers, S�9 St, Pa�l Dis�sai�h and 1��..�rnr���.p�I�s <br />S�ar�o (P�i�l�cati�n date : Novembe�° 19) o <br />2) That f�lings �or numxn�tions �o�° �e vacancy b� accep��� <br />th��ugh Dece�ib�� 19 0 <br />3) `That fiYings for nom�nation be m�.� �n a�n ���r�r�ed. ���mo <br />4) A7.1 applicatY�ons be foxqaarded to th� mer.�ber�s of �h� R6s�vil�c <br />Councii wha wY�1 be ser�v�ng on Januax°� To <br />5) Tha.t the appeyin�men� b� made ptab�icly at the firs� m����ng in <br />J�nuaryo (�'an�ry� 1�) � <br />Ro11 CalI9 Ayes: Demos, Hess, �rennan, Curle� �d L�n�b��cg�ro <br />Nays : None� � <br />Dml �rley Tloved, Demo� Seconded, that the �squest of the 1V�x�th D��e <br />Booster�s and. Rec�°eatian Clt,ab to hold bingo games �t B-D��� <br />I�en's Club �e deni�da Ro11 Ca17�, Ayes: I}emos, He�s, Brenr�a�n9 <br />Cur�Iey and L�nebarg�x° � Nays : None � <br />7:3Q P�Mo <br />MINUTES <br />�4INUTES <br />PROCLE1MElTTON <br />�Y ICROISS <br />CGUIVGYL VaCANCY <br />SELECI"TON <br />NORTH DAI,E <br />BQQSTEkS Al� <br />FtECRF�,4TI0I� <br />C�,LJB <br />