<br />Regular I��ieeting of the City Counci� -�ecember 8, 1975,
<br />The C�ty Council met on the above date with �he felZ�wing
<br />members present: Mayo�° Linebarger, Councilme� Hess, Brennan,
<br />Curley and D�mose
<br />A-1 Hess Moved, Brennan Secondeda tha� the minut�s of the meeting
<br />of November 24, 197�, be approvedo Rail GaTtq Ayes: H�ss,
<br />Brennan, G�rley, Demos and L�.nebarger. Nays : IVt�nea
<br />B--1 Curley Moved, Demos Seconded, that the x°equest af P.ay� ICroiss
<br />for fina.l. p].at approval "iNh�te OaF.k Hi1is Noo 2" at abotx� �a30
<br />Narth Cl.eveland Avenue be con�tinued tm.til Decemiser 299 1975,
<br />Roll Ca1Z, Ayes: Hess, Brennan, Cu�°ley, D�mos and Linebargero
<br />Nays: Noneo
<br />B-2 Curley Movedy Demos Seconded, tha�t the reQuest of Kenn.eth
<br />Reinhardt for finaZ plat approval "Ken Reinhardt Addition Noe
<br />3" a� �bout 907 Sherren Stree� be continued. until �he meeting
<br />of I?ecember 29, I975e Roll C�I1, Ayes: Hess, Bx°ennan, Curley,
<br />Demos and Linebargero Nays: Noneo
<br />B-3 Curley Moved, Demos Seconded, that the x°equest o� Ge�Y°mie Lamettx
<br />for fa�nal plat approval "Beiair° Rose�.a�,m Addi�ian" �'G �baut 1815
<br />Rosel�wn Avenue be conts.nued un�.�I the meet�ng of ]��.ember 15,
<br />1975o Roll CaI1, Ayes: Hess, B�°ennan, (.��°ley, Demos and Lineb�.�gero
<br />Nays: Noneo
<br />B-4 G�.rley A�oved, Demos Second�ed, that the rec�uest c�f Frank ��r•�sc�3c
<br />for rel�cation of dwell�ng °�0 3Q�8 Nor�h F��r��w Av�enue be appa��ed
<br />with the iollowing conditions:
<br />lo T°hat the remodelling be carried out essent�ally in conformity
<br />with the plans that were pxesented to the PZ�ing Commiss�ono
<br />2o Tfiat the landscap�ng of the yard be done by �he end of ca�en�ar�
<br />year I976a
<br />3 o Tha't the stx°ucttxr°� �e bx°ough� to confo�°mmit� wi�h aYl City� Co�es a
<br />4o Tha� an add�tianal 10 feet o� rightmof-way be ded�catecl t� �he
<br />Czty for Fai�ew- Avenueo
<br />RoY.1 CaYl, Ayes : Hess, Brennan, G�rley, Deme�� �.nd Lineb�xg��a
<br />N�ays : None o '
<br />7:30 P�Mo
<br />MIN[]'i'ES
<br />KEIVI�IET`�I
<br />uE zru�u�r
<br />GEORMI�
<br />LAMEI'TI
<br />FR�1I�TIC
<br />Cml Demos M�rred9 He�s Seconded, that a Cotmc�l work sessiorz be es�abYi�he� WORK SESSION
<br />for fi:30 PoMa , INlond�y, Dece�nber 15, J.975, �or the purpa�e of x�erriewing
<br />the report regarding sanitary sewex° service chax�gese Rall Cal�, Ayes:
<br />f%ss, Bx°ennan, Curley, D�mos and Linebar�gero Nays: l�aneo
<br />E-1 Demos Maved, Hess 5econded, that the request of Joseph Mast for JOSEPH MAST
<br />variance to setback at 1943 Narth Lexington Avenue be
<br />approved with the conclit�on that the extex°ior east and west ends of
<br />the garage be finished in a br�ck similar to the existing apartment
<br />buildingo Roll Ca1.1, Ayes: Hess, Bxennan, �rley, Demos and
<br />Lznebarger. Nays: None.
<br />