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Oece�ber 3 , 1975 <br />PtANPdIP��, R�PORT <br />CASE �iU���B�R: <br />RPPLICAfvT: <br />LOG�ITIO�� : <br />RCTiON f�EQUESTED: <br />PLRN�IING COP•1SIDERRTIONS: <br />9"�5-75 <br />B�n-Cor�, Inc. <br />t�orthwest corner of i�1i nneso�a Avenue --�-- <br />and Rice Street <br />Rezoning fram R-6 and 8-1 to R-1 and B-2 <br />anu Approval of Pre3iminary Plat <br />i. The property in ques�ion represents �he remainder of the land owrted <br />by the Ban-Con people ir� Roseviile in this area_ They propose <br />to dedicate approximateiy a little over an acre of the ��resterly <br />port�on as an addition -io h9aterian Park. Tt�e cen�ral partion is <br />Qronosed ta be replatted into eight single farriily horn° 51teS. <br />The remaining 200 fe�t to the east is proposed to be rezoned from <br />8--1 and R--1 to B-2. Thi s area a�7 th 200 fee� o-F deptl� and 2i 7 <br />feet of frontage on Ri ce Street aroul d be di �i ded i n tvrc� for th� <br />potential use of a possible pair of restaurants an these s�tes. <br />�[o sp�cific cieve�opment is proposed for these sites at t�is time. <br />2. La7°g� seal e cfra�ii ngs ti��i l 1 be avai � abl e at the mee�i ng to bet��r <br />iZ�ustrate the prQpased 7and uses as they relate to t�e topoara�hy <br />and eantiguous development. The 7anc4 propos�d to be dec��cated <br />for park purpases i s very attrac-�z ve proper�y , r�uch o-F i t heavi ly <br />wooded on the sau�h end of the pond and ridge.area o� the east <br />side af i�laterion Park. You wil7 reca7l �ortions of the pond <br />and park areas being dedicated by �fie San-Can peoo3e a fer�r mo�ths <br />ago. <br />3. i'he s�bdivision of the land far single fam�ly purposes u��11 er�hance <br />�he existing single faraiiy develcpment in the area and function <br />as a transi�ion uo the commerc-ia� dpvelopr�ent that exists to -�he <br />northeast and as proposed to the eas� on Rice Street. Evaluatian <br />of the propased 8-2 zoning on Rice Stree� �rlould be ennancecE i�F� <br />s�eci f� c devei opment ti4ere ava i 1 abl e. �Assur�5i ng carefu7 si-�e p1 anni ng <br />af any specific project, i� would appear tt�a� the sites could <br />be t,rell handled in rela�ionship to access and building loca�ion. <br />�xami nati on of the topographi ca 7 rr►aps at ti�e meeti ng ti�i 17 i ndi cate <br />the considerable grade difference bet4veen P�9inn2sota Street and <br />ti�e �-2 proper�y. I� this is pro�erly handled, it could serve as <br />a substaniia1 screenin9 e7emen� for any future deve�apmen� of the <br />properties in question. �ccess off of 4ioodbridge Street can <br />be emphas�zed as a means of minimizing traffic direc�ly off Rice <br />S�reet or P�1i nr�esa�ta Street. <br />