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�� <br />_ _ _-. � ��STANTOi�S ASSOCIAT£S iP:C, <br />� � <br />"� . <br />PROFOSED 1976 �ALARY STRUCTURE <br />for <br />SUPERVISORY-ADMIN�STRA?'IVE POSTTIONS <br />CTTY OF ROSEVILLE <br />The presently prevailing pattern.of adjus�ments being <br />made �or salaried empXayees is i,n the ranqe of 7% to 9j �or <br />busir�ess, industry and govern�n�nt. Th�s ref�ects a moxe <br />conservative appxoach to salary adjustznents than prevai�ed <br />in the 1974-1.975 period. <br />This conc�.usioxa i.s supported by xecent private- <br />industry surv�ys conducted by Stanton Assaczates, �nc., anci <br />the known patterzx o� adjustments now being reported by vari- <br />ous units of government zn thzs area �or 1976. <br />Th� more conservative approach to salary adjustments <br />may also be a re�lection of the in the <br />rate of in�lation as meas�xred hy the Cansumer Przce Inde�, <br />pubJ_i.shed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. (See attached <br />for month].y changes szn.ce January, 1975_) <br />zn evaluating the salary structure currently in ef�ect <br />�.n Roseville, sala�y patterns prevai�zng in other municipa�z- <br />ties o:� appxoximately th� same papuZation and geographzcal <br />reZationship in this rne�ropolitan area were also considered. <br />