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,-,� �,�._ �..���,�� � ;� <br />��;�� � �'_ ���� <br />�=. <br />���� � <br />December 19, 1975 <br />B�1NlSTF� SH�RT ELLIQTT HENDRICKSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. <br />CONSU�T�NG ENGENEERS <br />ST_ PAUL, MiNNESOTA • C!-l1PPEWA fAttS, V4'ISCUNSIt�I <br />City of Roseville <br />2701 North L�xington Avenu� <br />Ros�vil�e; Minnesota 55713 <br />A-�tention: Mr. Charles V. FE�nc;h�ll, <br />Director o-� Pubii� Works <br />Gentlemen: <br />�Je are p2eased �o submit this proposal far engineering services an a continuing <br />basis re7a�3r�g to ma�iters c�f a typ� and basis not warranting individual Gontract� <br />but be#ng of suffieient magnitude ta require pro�'essiona1 consu�ta�i3on and re� <br />lated serVice. <br />We pro�os� tnat comper�sation therefor be on a basis o-� salary cos-� (direct per- <br />sonnel expense} tines a multip�ier plus direct nan-sa7ary expenses in the manner <br />set forth in "R GEJ�DE FDR ENGAGEMElVT OF �NGi�lEERING SERVICES", i972, issu�d joirrt-- <br />3y by tne Minnesota Society o� Professional Engineers and the Consulting Engineer's <br />Counci7 of Minr�esota. <br />SECTIOiV I-- For atiendance a� Gouncil Meetings and Pubiic Hearings wh�ch <br />have no connection with a�y speci-Fic project cover�d by a <br />separate engineering serious contrac-�: <br />$—_ 0^� per . attend�d meeti ng . <br />SECTiQN II - Miseel7an�ou� mino�° pro,�ec�s or inv�stigatians requir-�ng cor►w <br />sul�ation, engine�ring services, field s�rveys, inspection <br />and brief wri�ten repor-�s as fallaws� <br />Payroll cos� times 2 pius mileage �aid to persannel <br />(current�y �Oe15/mile plus out of pocket expenses at cost. <br />Payroi � cost i s de-Fi rte� as -�he cost af sal ari es (� ncl ud i ng <br />sick leave, vacation and ho7iday pay applicahle �hereto} of <br />all persanne� far time directly chargeable to this study, <br />investiga-��on and repart; plus �nemp�iayment, excise and <br />��yroil tax�s, contribu�ians for sociai security, une�nploy- <br />ment compensation insurance, retirem�ni benefits and med7cal <br />200 HtLL5BOROUGH QFFICE SLDG • 2353 RIC£ STREE7 • ST. PAUi, MiNNE50TA_ 55173 + PHO�IE [b72) 484-0272 <br />