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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, February 13, 2012 <br /> Page 11 <br /> Mayor Roe refocused discussion to the questions of staff versus position state- <br /> ments. <br /> Councilmember McGehee questioned the cost and length of the fence needing re- <br /> placed; with Ms. Bloom responding that there were no estimates at this time; <br /> however, she noted that this was a code enforcement issue identified by staff, <br /> since the site triangle didn't seem to be affected, as noted in the RCA. <br /> Public Works Director Schwartz, related to the mailbox situation and potential li- <br /> ability issues, opined that while there may not be a liability issue for the City if <br /> the snow plow hit the mailbox structure, since there were a number of similar <br /> structures throughout the community, the City had to-date refused to pay for those <br /> upgraded structures since they were built in the City rights-of-way. Mr. Schwartz <br /> noted that this could create a significant cost to the City during a typical winter <br /> season if this current practice and policy was to be disregarded. <br /> Councilmember Willmus suggested that staff continue to work with property <br /> owners to resolve the issues; and that those issues should be a separate considera- <br /> tion above tonight's action request authorizing street construction. <br /> Councilmember McGehee questioned the installation of sod rather than prairie <br /> grass in infiltration basis, and staff's rationale; and expressed her preference that <br /> staff would not reduce their streetscaping estimates, but includes full funding to <br /> increase or enhance other amenities. <br /> Ms. Bloom advised that staff made every attempt to work with property owners <br /> on their preferences, since these were located in their front yards. Based on past <br /> experience, Ms. Bloom noted that sod was proven to be as effective as the native <br /> plantings. Ms. Bloom advised that, since last fall, staff had determined that the <br /> $20,000 estimated for retaining walls would not be needed; but that additional <br /> trees as applicable, and crosswalk amenities remained in place. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, Ms. Bloom assured Councilmembers and the public <br /> that the streetscape quality would not be downgraded. <br /> At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Ms. Bloom addressed the rationale in <br /> designing for colored crosswalks as noted, as well as the midblock colored cross- <br /> walk and warning signs at Dellwood for crossing to Cottontail Park, based on <br /> standards throughout the community as well as discussions with residents in the <br /> area. Ms. Bloom noted that there were numerous portions of the roadway that <br /> would be narrowed, and expressed her interest in seeing how that worked for fu- <br /> ture operation and improved safety. <br /> Public Comment <br />