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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, February 13, 2012 <br /> Page 13 <br /> mitigate safety issues. Ms. Suncileo questioned why the stop sign was not suffi- <br /> cient when they had been told repeatedly that it would be. <br /> Ms. Suncileo opined that the public notification process was insufficient for resi- <br /> dents not attending the open house and being made aware of the Scenario 2 op- <br /> tion; however, she noted that it was a huge issue for the entire Merrill neighbor- <br /> hood, and had instigated their neighborhood's reactivation of their e-mail alert <br /> system. <br /> Immediate Staff Responses to Public Comments/Questions <br /> Ms. Bloom attempted to address some of those comments received tonight. In <br /> recognizing that some property owners may have been surprised by the proposed <br /> Scenario 2, Ms. Bloom noted that staff was repeatedly told by residents that they <br /> didn't want to be assessed, and once staff put actual dollars and quantities on pa- <br /> per over the last 2-3 weeks, they had found that funding could be addressed to <br /> make it easier for residents and for no additional surprises in the future or under a <br /> future City Council, thus the rationale for staff's recommendation at this time and <br /> to do the work now. Ms. Bloom advised that the stop sign was absolutely safe, <br /> and with a 30 mph speed, this addressed the visibility issues at the crest of the <br /> curve. While some residents may be surprised by this recommendation, Ms. <br /> Bloom advised that staff had processed it as soon as they became aware of the po- <br /> tential situation; and noted that in the long run it saved the City and its constitu- <br /> ents money and served the overall community well. Ms. Bloom advised that it <br /> was staff's intent to honor and fulfill their commitments to residents. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, Ms. Bloom advised that the driving factor for rec- <br /> ommending the additional $225,000 cost for Scenario 2, even though the recently- <br /> installed stop sign addressed the issue, was to promote road efficiencies as stand- <br /> ard practice, with staff believing that this was the right time to move ahead with it <br /> in conjunction with the larger project and the Pulte Homes development work. <br /> Ms. Bloom noted that this situation had been identified as a deficiency in the <br /> City's roadway system, and supported their recommendation. <br /> With Councilmember Willmus noting that the original reconstruction proposed <br /> had considerable disruption to homes and driveways along County Road C-2, Ms. <br /> Bloom responded that the proposal was to build a sidewalk, and if another project <br /> was done five (5) years down the road, those sidewalks would be torn out, in- <br /> creasing overall costs rather than minimizing those overall costs by doing both <br /> components as recommended. <br /> Ms. Bloom addressed the comment requesting a single versus double yellow line <br /> by explaining that the double yellow line was for "no passing" designation and <br /> would remain as double. <br />