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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,February 13,2012 <br /> Page 3 <br /> Mayor Roe noted the proposed MNPass lane being considered for I-35E from St. Paul to <br /> Little Canada that would have significant impacts and benefits for Roseville residents <br /> commuting to St. Paul. Mayor Roe noted that past studies had found that people tended <br /> to use mass transit more frequently when that transit was reliable and convenient options <br /> available, which made the proposed express plans bode well for increasing that ridership. <br /> 5. Recognitions,Donations, Communications <br /> 6. Approve Minutes <br /> Comments and corrections to draft minutes had been submitted by the City Council <br /> prior to tonight's meeting and those revisions were incorporated into the draft present- <br /> ed in the Council packet. <br /> a. Approve Minutes of January 23,2012 Meeting <br /> Pust moved, Willmus seconded, approval of the minutes of the January 23, 2012 <br /> meeting as amended. <br /> Corrections: <br /> • Page 17, line 34 (McGehee) <br /> Correct"AAAA"rating to "AAA" <br /> • Page 22,Line 25(McGehee) <br /> Change "recommendations"to "policies." <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Pust; McGehee; Willmus; and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> b. Approve Minutes of January 30,2012 Strategic Planning Meeting <br /> McGehee moved, Willmus seconded, approval of the minutes of the January 30, <br /> 2012 Strategic Planning meeting as presented. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Pust; McGehee; Willmus; and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> 7. Approve Consent Agenda <br /> There were no changes to the Consent Agenda. At the request of Mayor Roe, City Man- <br /> ager Bill Malinen briefly reviewed those items being considered under the Consent <br /> Agenda. <br /> a. Approve Payments <br /> McGehee moved, Willmus seconded, approval of the following claims and pay- <br /> ments as presented. <br /> ACH Payments $694,414.41 <br />