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AGENDA SECTION: <br />rvi�c � uvu <br />��Qu��T Fo� c�un���� AcT�o�v DA7E: _ 9II5/%5 <br />ORIGINAi1NG DEP7./DIV.: <br />REi'QRiS A,�lD R�COP1�lEidRA7I0��5 PULLIC tlOP,KS <br />iTF°� NO.: ITEM DESCRIPTION: �.i�%d idQPTNERi� 5TAT�S FOi�+ER CQ��1P�idY 7Qt�1ER <br />i; <br />�-� , LIt'�E ALO�dG h1I[�J��lESOTA �EL�'i.I�dE R�IILP.�AD <br />c <br />DEPT. FiEAD AP?RpVA�. <br />`.' CJC� <br />MGR. REVIEWEp/RECOMM£NDS: <br />� f'��- <br />Tf�e �dorthern States Power Campany co��tacted the ci ty, 7 ndi cati ng the n�ed to <br />provicie addi�ional �ower to �ne Apache.substation nzar thQ AQac��e Sho�pi_ng <br />Cen�er in Edetia srightan. Ta reach �tE�is facility, f�.S.P is proposing to replace <br />an exi s�i ng 200 �•1VA overhead 1 i n� t�ri th a 400 [y1VA 1 i ne. Tney are propasi ng <br />that, through an i ndustri al ar�a, t�rey i�roul d i nstal l new 1 atti ce st�el tov�lers <br />and thraugh t�ze resi de��i a�t area be�tre�n ti�� rai l road ar�d the western edge of <br />the city, singl�-support s�;eel pales ar� proposed. <br />Sligr�tly over two miles of t�ii� three-r�ile inipravement is �vithin the City of <br />Roseville and the cost is apprnxir�a�ely �900,�00.00 -For tl�� reconstruction <br />ti�rork. In ihe accampanying letter �ror� ��d.S.P., tf�ey indicate tha� it is anti- <br />cipated that tney ti�rould be�in tne r�construc�ion work next -fall and compie�e <br />th� wo�lc by m�d 7977. <br />� You r�ay be i n�erested �o know tFiat iJ. S. P, has i nformed me t}�at the «arf; on <br />liar�line Avenue from County Road C to 7.i-i. 36 �,rii] go to construction next <br />spring and bz -comp]et�ci be-Fore the end af nex� fa13. This �roject far �he <br />City has been delayed,��due to funding constraints, but it �s no�a r�a�y �o <br />move f.or�rard as soan as the official pap�r work can i�e cleared �or su�mi�ssion <br />to tize Councz i .. - <br />P�ar��ern S�ates Poti�rer has � t�formed rr�� <br />the meeti ng �r��o .4ii 71 provi de pi ctur�s <br />7ike and tE�ey tirouid be able to �et�er <br />t�at tney:wi71 have r�presentativ�s aG <br />of ti��hat the �ropos�d poies arould `look <br />expl ai n tf�e ne�d for tfzi s��ork. - <br />REC���9�°1E�aDED AC�I���J: Rpproval of p]ans by ilortr�ern States Povr�r �ompany to <br />cons �ruct 400 [��VA 1 i nes ar��E support �ot��ers al ong thp <br />��iinn2so��a Raiiroad Bel�line, replaci►5; the exis�ing <br />200 P�1VR 1 i ne by pl acen�ent of steel 1 at�i ce to���ers and <br />aiso, tne inst allation o-F single-pole s�ep� to►���rs <br />along ti�e �r�stti��ard leg �thrau�h the residential areas <br />i� RQSqville. <br />