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CI'I'lr OF �OS�VILLE <br />Regular Nleeting of '�he City Council - S�eptember 8, 19'i5 <br />The City Council me� on the above date wi�h the foll.acuing <br />members pr�sent: Mayox Linebarger�, Councilmen Brennan, <br />Gu�°Iey, Demo�, and Hesso <br />A-1 Cur�ley Moved, Demos Seconded� th�.� t�e minu��� o� the regixla� <br />meeting of August 18, 1975, be �.pp�e�rred� Rc�:T:� Ca11 a Ayes : <br />Brennan, Curley, Demos, Hess and Lin�bargero l�ay��: Noneo <br />A-2 Brennan I�ved, Hess Seconded, that th� mxnu�e� a� the spe�i�.1 <br />meeting of August 27, 1975, be �.ppr��r�d� R�il Ca1Ty Ayes� <br />Brenn�n, G�r1ey, Demos , Hess and Lineba�°ger o Nay� : Non� o <br />B-1 G�zrley Movecl., B�ennan Seconded.9 that R�soYu��on Naa G29� <br />adopting and conf�rming assessments �or Combined. �:mpro�r�a <br />ments ot I973, Ser�es S be ad�pted� Rol� CaYi, A�es� ��°ennan9 <br />CurZey, Demos, Hess and Linebargera Nay�: Nonea <br />B-2 Brennan Morred, Hess Secondeda thafi Reso�.ution Noo 6�91 <br />adopt�ng and �onfirnung ass�ssmen�s on the cit�4s po�ion <br />of Impx9ovemen� P-Si`�73-25 be adoptedo R,�I1 C�.1, Ayes: <br />Brennan, Curley, Demos, Hess and Linebaz°gex�� N�.�s: Nonea <br />B-3 Demos Nbved, Hess 5econded� '�hat Resolut�.an Noo 6292 <br />the assessment role on Combined Improvem�n�ts �f 1975, ST�74�•14� <br />and Si'-74-14-8 be adoptede Roil C�1ie Ayes: Brennan, Cu�:1ey, <br />Demos, Hess and Linebarger, Nays: Nonea <br />Demos Maved, Hess Seconcled, that Re���.ut�on Ncso bZ93 <br />adopt�ng and confixmzng a�sessments as �aended on Ca�mbined <br />Improve�ents oi 1975, ST�74-14 and STc746114�WB be �clopted.o <br />Roll Cal1, Ayes: Brennan, Curley, Demosa Hess and Line�- <br />barger� Nays: None� <br />B-4 Demos Moved, Hess Seconded, tihat Re�olut�on No� 6294 ord�ring <br />the construc�ion of Pro��ct PmW-7563� Sne�I�ng Road West, <br />and request�ng the M�nneso�:a Highwa� Depar�nt. �6 be inv�l�ed <br />in the pr�jec�, both t�chnically an� p�ys�cally a� we11 as give <br />preliminary approval to the Hi�r�a.y Dep��rtment pY� fox° -the <br />�.mpravemen� be adoptedo Ra11 Ca11, Aye� : B�•enri�n 9 Curley , <br />Demos, Hess and Linebarger� Nayse N�nea <br />B-S De�tos Movecl, Hess Seconded, �hat Ma�Iand and .J�hnson9 s re- <br />quest for special use perm�t �nd �uariance� at 1045 Larp�nte�xx° <br />be deniedo Roll Ca11, Ayes: Bx°ennan, Cuy°iey, Demosa Hesso <br />Nays: Linebargera <br />B-6 Curley Moved, Demos Seconded., that the request of Dayton <br />Development Company �or f�nal p1a� "Rosedale Center Third <br />Addi�zon" a� 1705 TH 36 be appraved and the Mayor and <br />Manager authorized to sign saineo Roll Ca�T, Ayes: Brennan, <br />Curley, Demos, Hess and Linebarge�°o Nays: Noneo <br />7:30 P,P�d, <br />MINUTES <br />RESOLUTTON <br />NOe 6290 <br />RESOLUI' TON <br />NOo 6291 <br />RE�OLUTION <br />No� 6�92 <br />RESOLiTT ION <br />NCI� G293 <br />RESOLUTION <br />NOo b294 <br />MAILAND AND <br />J�lF�1SDN <br />DAYTON <br />DEVELOPMENT <br />CONI�'AIVI� <br />