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� � <br />. -'� <br />� � �'�' • ' <br />� <br />T0: <br />FRO�•1: <br />SUSJECT: <br />City council <br />Midv�re5t Planning and P,esearch <br />George Reiling's Permit to Fi11 I�nder the Shore l.ine <br />Zoni ng �rdi r�ance <br />�ne of the prov� si ans of the S4�ore [.i ne Zoni ng Ordi r�artce recently <br />adopted, provides �ha� filiinc� or cutting of terrain within 300 feet <br />of the share of a publ7c ��ater in the Eiiy of Rosevi7�e requires a <br />permit, based upan th� submission of a�ypograpF�ical map indica�ing <br />exis�ing and proposed con'�ae�rs for the prop�r'ty �n ques�ion. t�r. <br />Reti1ir�g has submi�ted a propos�d developm2nt plan prepared by Charies <br />0. Geargi Company, �r�ho as yau kno;r, has prepared many devel opment <br />p1ans 4Jitf�in ��e City of �aseville. . <br />The property in question is betareen the nortnwest shore of Lake <br />Owasso and Victoria Avenue, south of County Road C-2. The property <br />varies in depth aff Victoria �From approximately 80 fee� in its <br />souther'iy tip to a maxzmurn approxir�ately 300 feet near the northerly <br />portian af the property. �he purpose of the fiill is to raise the 7ar�� <br />primarily cantiguous to Victoria Avenue so as to provide for future <br />residentia� development of a single �amily nature. The properiy is <br />xoned R--1 for that purpose. <br />There Vras a�ir�e when this area af jand was inciuded in t�e projected <br />Parks Program for the City and County. No�rever �his prop�rty is no <br />langer in th� projected acquis7tion prograr� and thus can be assumed <br />ta be appt^opriate1y canditioned for single fam�ly developrrent. <br />Referr�ng �o the surveyers exzsting and proposed cantour map, you <br />will note t1�at the do�ted contour lines 4�ih�ch indicate the proposed <br />con�o�ars , si�ow that the� area of i and nex� ta 1!i ctari a wi I 1 be �i � 1 ed <br />ta a depth af approXimate�y �Q to 5Q feet, 4r��ch is desig;��d �o function <br />as the -Future front yard far th� sing�e family lo�s co�templated for <br />the site. 7he seciion ir� the upper lef� hand corner o�F the drawing <br />indicates the typical profile Hrhich Vrou1d aliova -For tivalk-out basements <br />or resi denti al properti es ori eniced �Caward 1 ake shore. Acf�i �� anal fii i 1 <br />is the� add�d ta provid� a gentle s1ope fram tne high water �ir�e to <br />�he propas�d basement level of the propose� residen'tial siies. You ti�rill <br />nvtice that �o fil� is proposed io be placed on the land be1o�� t�e high <br />water eleva�iion af 887.7. �his e��vation was established by �he Qe�artment <br />of i�atural Resaurces and is �he.coniour level below Vrhich they do not de- <br />sire the fill to be put �n place. <br />It uio�ld appear that the fil7ing pragram proposed by the applicant �s a <br />resonable one designed to candztion the property far single fami1y <br />developm�nt in a prac'tica1 and feasible manner not involing any d�leter-- <br />ious effect u�on the environment in the area or the City's pub]ic interest. <br />tde �ave discussed wi�h the applicant and the Public 1�lorks Director, a <br />suggestion of the latter, that approximately 6 to $ inch deep sti�rale be <br />placed along tne toe of �he slope during the process af filling as a <br />reasonab�e precaution against eras�on of the fill area and the washing <br />af such fill inta �he Lake beyond the high t�+ater mari:. Constriaetion of <br />such a svrale along the toe of the slope is a sugges�ed condition tha� <br />