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CI1'Y OF �2a�5��VILIs�s <br /> I�9eeting of t3��e C'ity Council -�e�terk�er I5, 1975. <br />The City Council r!tiet on the above sdate wit� the folloba�n� <br />members present: P�ay�r Linebar�er, �otm�i].men Br�nnan, <br />Curley and. Hess. �emos arrived at 7:35 P.T•�. <br />A�-Z Brennan Maved, Hess Seconded� that the minutes of the regular <br />meeting of September 8, 1975, be approve�da I�o11 Call, Ayes: <br />Brennan, Curley, Hess and I�inebarger. Nays : None s <br />B-1 C�arley Pioved., Bz•en.?�aza Secanr�er�, tl�iat 1�iichels C���stxttction Cont�any <br />raquiest far fina�_1 pl?t ",:a7�~'i�:1_s '�n,e?.n�:� #2" �e x'�pP7'4irP� �nc� the <br />?hayor anci t�ana�er �,e at��yiorized -�o si.�� '�,iae '��r� s�a��..3s ror!�:�tidne�. <br />upon a11 deli.nt{tten�, ��. r_urr€��t ta�cP j�r�i.�.;� ��i� by ��e an�=�licant <br />prior to fihe si,�min+�. �b!�11 �'�.1_1 , 1!y�a: $r�nn�.�, �a_tr1_�y, d�ess and <br />L ineb arg� r � �days : i 1o�ie . <br />D�1 Curley I�aved, Hess Secondec�, that the Zetter from 7ianne Scizenz <br />x°egarding rena2ning of Civic �'..enter �rive to Ayd FJrive b� refer�°ed <br />to the Plannzng Comnission for recrnt�t�:en�ation� Roll C:�3tiI, Ayes: <br />Brennan, C�rley� Demos, Hess and Linebarger, �iay�: Nane� <br />A-2 I�emos Moved, Hess Seconded, tha� Resolution No. 6297 receiv�ng <br />petition and calling far %asibility repoxt on utilities and <br />stres�C �onstxucta.on an Evelyn Street from County Road � ta Brenner <br />Avenue be adopted. RQ11 Ca11, Ayes: Brennan, Curley, =�er�os, H�ss <br />and Linebarger. Nays: Pdo�e. <br />-3 Hess Maved, De�os Secondeci, that a public be held on <br />Octeber 2�, 1975, regarding plans of Northern States P���er <br />Co�any to construct 400 r4VA lines and svppart towers along the <br />Minnesota Railroad Be�tlineo Ro1Z Ca11, Ayes: �renna.n, �urley, <br />Demos� Hess and Linebarger. �ays: None. <br />7:30 PeM. <br />NffNUI'ES <br />"I�{+{IQ-iELS <br />�SF.LAWN <br />N0. 2" <br />RENAI'.'�ING OF <br />CIVIC CE�ITER <br />DRIV� <br />RESOLUTION <br />NU. 6297 <br />PROPOSED <br />NSP LI?VES <br />E-4 Curley 1►9oved, Brerman Seconded, that the matter of tax forfeited TAX FORF�iTED <br />property be referred to the Parks � dtecreation Co�ittee for PI�PEKfY <br />recomnendation regardzng the property's use as park landa Roll <br />Ca11, Ayes: Brennan, Cuxley, Demos, Hess and Linebargero Nays: <br />Nonea <br />E-5 Brennan Nbv�ed, Curley Seconded, that R�solution Pdoa G2�8 appointing RESOLiTi'�ON <br />Elect�on Judges and Alternate Judges for the Primaxy Flectinn on NOe 6298 <br />Octobex 21� and the General Election on *doven��er 4, 1975, be adapted, <br />Roll Call, Ayes: Brennan, Curley, DemQS, Hes� anc� Lineb��°ger� <br />Nays: None. <br />E-b Curley Asoved, Demos Seconded, tha� Resolution Noo 6299 agreeing RESOLUTIQN <br />to the exchange of roadway jurisdiction with the Caunty Raad NOs 5299 <br />Commission whereby Roseville wou7�c� revoke jurisdicfiion of Cozm�y <br />Roa.d B-2 from Snelling Avenue to Cleveland Avenue; and that t.�e <br />Ramsey County Board of Canonissioners revoke jurisdiction �or <br />Cleveland Avenus fran Fairview Avenue to Caunty Road C, 'subject <br />to approval by the Commissianer of Highways of the State o�'Nlinne�ota, <br />be adopted. Rp1i Call, Ayes: Brennan, �irley, Demos, Hess and <br />Linebargero Nays: None. <br />