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/* <br />\. <br />September 3, 1975 <br />pLANfVIiVG �REPORT <br />CASE �IUMB�R: <br />AP P!. I CANT : <br />LOCATIO�[: <br />A�TION R�QUES7ED: <br />PLANNi�fG CO�ESIDERAiI0N5: <br />�. <br />916--75 <br />� <br />Richard Germer <br />27;3 Dellwood Avenue, Rosevzlle, MN <br />SoutS� of service sta'tion at the <br />sauthwest corner af County Road D and <br />Cleveland Avenue <br />Approval of Specia� Use Perrr�it for <br />Agri cUl tural llse '` <br />1. ihe original zoning ordinance was written and adopted in 1959, the s�ngie <br />family zone inciuded agricultural and harticultural uses as perm�tted uses. <br />In the process a-F recodifying the ordinance, this perm�tted �a5e ��ras dropped. <br />Recently, agricultural uses were added to the single far�ily zone as a <br />special use permit. You will recall the application of this provision <br />to the Margolis property on Larpenteur Avenue sor�e months ago. <br />2. The property in question is immediately south o� ana contig�ous to ihe <br />gas station at the southwest corner of County Road D and Cleveiand Avenue. <br />7he proper-�y measures one hundred ttiventy (120) feet of frontage on <br />Cleveland w�th a dep�� of �hree hundred thirty �330} feet. The property <br />is zoned R-2 with ti�e 1959-zaning. ihe pro�er�y to the nor�h occupied <br />by the service station is zoned B-3. Across the street the proper�Yes <br />are z_oned R-3 with a�-2 zone at the immediate corner at the so�theast <br />intersection of Cleveland and County ftoad D.• <br />3. ihe sketc� at the left shativs at a small scale the locations o� tne existing <br />hame, garage, and.utiiitv bu�lding. The existing house is two storie5, <br />tweniy-four (24) by iwenty-eight (28}, �ocated sixty (60) feet �'rom <br />Cleveland Avenue. The existing garage is eighteen (18} by twenty-one (21} <br />wi�h an access drive on �he south side of the house. I� is praposed to <br />build a drive��ay on the north side af the property twelve ti2) feet fram <br />the service station praperty. Tn�s drivearay wouid lead to a proposed <br />iwo-car garage to be located in appraximately the middle o-f the property <br />fifty-t�ro (52) feet north of the south property line. The garage wauld <br />be twenty-two (22) fee� by twenty--three {23) feet, and would be used for <br />the storage of two pickup trucks. To the r�ar of the garage is proposed <br />an area approximate]y eighty-e3ght (88) fee� by one hundred twenty--eight <br />(128) feet (average depth) which the appl�cant proposes to use for the <br />groti�ring of trees, garden �egetables, and perennials. <br />4, 7he appiicant propases to leave the approximate front half of the property <br />entirely as is except �or the construction of the driveway twelve fee� from <br />the north property 1 i r�e. <br />