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-2- <br />Early i n Septe�7ber, h1r. �:rai ss presented pl �ns for i}�e �latt� ng of tl�� southern <br />sec�:i on of 7 and and had i nforr�ati on as to �ne ori g� nal pond s i ze , as Erel l as <br />proposed future pond si ze. 8ased on tyi s i nfar���ation, and the -Fact t+�a� t�e 1 and <br />�rould, in a71 proi�ability, b� r�zaned ana construction s�arteci yet this season, a <br />secor�d fi77 permit ��ras t�en issued, �a��d Se�ternaer 5 and is ai.tac�red. Sinc� tne <br />north�rn porti on of pond had aI ready b�en sev�r�ly clamared, i� was cancl uded �ha� <br />reestabZ i shi �g tE�e pond to i ts or� gi nal area coui d�e accor�ipl i shed by ex�andi;�� <br />t►�� pond �asterly ancl tiaould also �etter fit tne pt�oposed �ar�d use. Again, a s�� <br />o� requi rer��r� �s cal 1 i ng �or speci f� G_ gra��s , 1 anei cover, ponc� rees �ab� � sl��z�r�t, etc. , <br />i�rer� i nci ud�d i n thi s�errni t. Etr. l:roi ss was afiso i ns-�ruc��d to establ � sn t�e <br />req�ired pa�d ar�a, carrec� tt�e sloping deficiencies and c7na� out the storr� s�:�rer <br />pi p�, i f n�c�ssary, �ri or �o doi ng a�►y a�di ii Qnal vrork on i�ie si i a. 7i�is ins�ruc- <br />ti o� ���as disr�gard�d, i�o4��ever, as at vari ous �it��s , fi l I. •r�ateri al sucldenly arri ved <br />on the scene and t�ras put in place and �r�narat�on done for a future roau!��ay, t�!hil� <br />�hese acti o��s di d not harm anyti�i ng , as s�cn , t��ey sti � 1 ��rere not corr2ct� ng tne <br />pro�7ems on �he si�e. � <br />�"t�� Ri ce Creek �datiersiz�d, by �i�� s�i Ei12, tras i r��er�si fyi ng i ts i nterest i n the area <br />an�J I ti°ras requested �y tf��ir a�tor��ey to inforE�a ��lr. Kroiss ���at he �;�ust contact <br />ti�ei r offici a�s an� acqui r� perr�tii ts or t;�ey �roul d���ave �o��rar�l an i nj unc��on. I <br />did sa and on ��pteE�ber 24, 1975, t`r.e Ric� Crz�;{ ��laters��ed Soarc� af �+anagers �ssued <br />a per�ni t to i�1r. Kroi ss �'or tr�� wark to be cfone v��i th i dnn'ti cal conc�i �i�r�s to �hat <br />of o�r S�ptemb�r 5th pernii �. <br />Several phone calls anrl cantacts tirzre n�ad� �diti� tfr. Kroiss, prior to nis Oct, lst <br />completion da�e, attempting to get `he �vork �one, as specified. ihis ti,ras unsuccess- <br />ful and oR �ne sp�ci fi�ed cor��i.ei i on da�� of t�c�. 1, ��lr. t;rampr an � n�ys�l f�den � to;; <br />tf�e si-�e wi�i� i�9r. �:roiss to poin� out on t'r�e scene, �h� severai d�ficiencizs th�t <br />s�ti i 1 exi s �ed i n con j uncti on ��i t� t�e co�di ti ons of t�ie p�rr�i � and our �antzanpi ress <br />vri �Y� hi s acti on. i�leasurer��nts �•,ere ta�cen or� t��e ground i tsel f, and pro�i e�s poi n�ed <br />out a� ti�e si te so �t�iat t��er� coul d be no ��ii sun��rsta��€i ng , Vri�atsoever, as ta our <br />expectati ons . A� ��ld� tl i1�, i lr. �:roi ss agre�d to four speci fi c ac�� ons , pri or �o <br />'�he n�eti r�g of �€�� counci � o-� Qctober 6. 7h�se acti ons ar� atfiac��4c� -For ya�r revi e1�. <br />Si nc� �re v:er� hav� ng such di ffi cul ty ge��ti n�; ir�e cor�di tions net, I con�acted the <br />ci ty's 7 egal advi sors as �o gui dance on ti�r�at our sta�'f �oul d da under t��e ci rcu�- <br />stat�ces. <br />�f� �vere i nfarned of �he fol 1 owi ng : <br />(�} T��e exi sti ng code does r�ot pravi de for tt�e ta�;i ng of 5�ncls �r, deposi �s <br />for the ful 1 fi l lment of s��ei al condi ti ons s�t for�n i n the �err�i �. It only provi des <br />for street cl�anzng or restoration to dama�e to public pra�er�,y. As sucn, deposits <br />were not avai 1 ab7 e for t��e ci ty to correct the si tua�i on on i�s oL;�n. <br />�6) T}�e cit� do�s no� have th� right to go on ta �f�� property an� do th4 cor- <br />recti ve vlork i tsel f ard th�n �i 1 i the �rop�rty ot•�ner.. <br />(C) �lf�en �i�e ci�y becor�es a4rare of nonconf�rn:ance nf conditions, pErnit si�o�ld <br />be termi nated to g�t tne problen resol ved so -that i t i s not conii nued. �'i�i s►�Yas the <br />acti on done i n As�g�st. . <br />�D) ihe city could go to ih� courts, seeking injuz�ctive pob,�zr ta force �he <br />ot•rn�r �o correct speci fi c'si tuati ons. Thi s t•1ai�1 d r�qui re several �non�f�s and si gn�� -- <br />can� legal exp�nses, plus the city es�ablishing dar�age5 to the public. <br />Si nce a p7 atti n� and rezoni ng ar� bei ng r�� uAs �ed by ti�� oi�ln�r for thi s si te s trie <br />