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MEE7ING ��-b-75 <br />�E�uEST Fo� cour�c�� ��-r��o� DATE: <br />AGEiVDA SECTION: ORIGINATING QEP7./DIV_: <br />Reports F� Fteco�rnnendatzons Aclm <br />;� �n NO.: ITEM DESCRIPTION� �axbage and Rubbish 4rdinance - Suggested <br />�_ - C� CE2ai1gBS <br />DEPT•HEAD APPF20VAL_ <br />MGR. REVkEW£Q%RECQMMENDS: <br />GC_ <br />A Rosevzlle residen� recently broug�t to th� staffts at�ention a pxovision of the barbage <br />and rubbish ordxnance which requires s�mi weekl collection from resa.dences between h�ay 1 <br />and October 31 0� each year. <br />Section 14�.070 of the Czty Code xeads: <br />Titnes of ColZection. Each Iicensea garbage collec�or shall make collec�ions . <br />at least wee ly rom residences and sema-weekly �ram hat�Is, res�aurants, boaxd- <br />ing houses, etc. from Novembex 1 to April 30, of each year and at least semi- <br />weekly from residences an.d daily £rom hotels, restaurants, boarding houses, etc. <br />from A'1ay Z to Octaber 31 of earh year. <br />Most resid.ences have w-eekl� collection of their garbage and, thexe�ore, would not be <br />in compliance with the O nance. Mr. Walter Jopke, City 5anztaxian, indica�ed that <br />requiring semi-weekiy collection is tmreasonabie fox xesidences during any tur►e of the <br />year. Therefore, he suggested that Section 141.070 of the City Code reas as fQllows: <br />"Times of Gollectian. Each iicensed garbage collector shall make collectians <br />at eas wee y rom residences and semi-weekly from hotels, restaurants, <br />boarding hoUSes, etc. oir mare often if necessary." <br />�-� xeviewing the ordinance, Nir, Jopke also reco�aends �hat Section I41.050 of the City <br />.,ode be changed to xead: <br />"Truck. Each licensed garbage col.lector sha�l px�vide a truck so constructed <br />t�a� t tfie contents will not Ieak or spill therefrom in which alI gaxbage callected <br />by him sha11 be conveyed to �he place desi.gnated in his application. The convey- <br />ance used sha3.1 be kept clean and as free from offensive odors as possible, and <br />shall not be allawed to stand in any street, a11ey, or public place Ionger than is <br />reasonably necessaxy to co��ect garb age." <br />Sectzon 141.05� presently reads: <br />"Ta�c or Wagon. Each licensed garbage collector sha�.1. a covered ta.nk ar <br />wagon sa constructed that the conten�s wi11 not Ieak or spz�.I therefrom �n which <br />al� garbage co�Iected by him shall be conveyed to the place designated in his <br />application. The wagon or conveyance used shall be kept �lean and as free frvm <br />o�£ensive odors as possible and shall not be alZowed to stan.d in any s�reet, alley <br />or public place Zonger than is reasonably necessar,;yito collect gaxbage." <br />Mr. Jopke feels -that the requirement £or a tank or wagon is outdated and should bs <br />replaced by the rec{uirement of a�ruck. <br />Counc�l Acti.on Requestec�: Matian instruct�n� the City Attorney to prepare <br />amencTments to Sections 1A1.050 and 141.070 of the <br />City Code. �� � <br />� <br />,� � <br />