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-4- <br />REGOM��ENaED PRi�GRAF� <br />1. It i� much better administrative7y to fa11o�N a procedure of only natifyinq <br />af-Fected property ot��ners ti�rho have diseased trees. If, ha��pv�r, the <br />attorne_ys a�i ni on i s that we canr�ot fol 1 ava thi s nui sance procedure , then <br />a mass hearinq would be h�ld prior ta awarding a eontract �'or the work. <br />2, i��o t�mporary empioyees would be hired ror �he summer ta aid our tree <br />inspector. <br />3. A cor�tractar shauld be ob-�ained v�a 2� GAlil�?C�1'�lV£ bidd�ng ta do th� �vark. <br />ihis contract v�eould set forth costs far var7ous s�ze trees, bu� not <br />guaranicee s�ecific volumes for the various sizes. <br />4. The cos�is af in5peciion and administrat�on should not be assessed, bu� <br />r�ther borr�e b� the �ntire c�tizenry ��cause they w�ll ui�imately a�so <br />ben�fit frar� con�ralling the disease and kee�ing the community attractive. <br />Th�se expendztur�s are already in ihe street de�artment budqet for 1.975. <br />Tn�s a�proach may require a code change if the attorneys inter�ret that <br />our existing code is mandatary in regard to thes� charges being assessed. <br />5. Inspect the trQes, r�atify the owner and occupant by registered mail ar <br />personally. This notice wouid include information as to reason for th� <br />dC�i On >sumr�ari zed and 5tate and Ci ty regu� at� or�s , stat2ment that they <br />i�ave ten da,�fs to rerr►vv� the tree or the ci �y ►di 11 , statemen� t�at i.f they <br />disagree, they must inform us in ti•rr��inq within ten days and suhstantiate <br />t�eir positivn ��ithing 20 days, state tl�e cost of having aur contraetor <br />do the work, a�d forewarr� th�� �ihat if they re�ov� the �tree afier the <br />tenth day, tha� �hey ar�e still liable for any expenses the ci�y wfluld <br />ir�cur from the contrac�or. To col�ect such a fe� for �aork after the <br />ienth day would require a code ch�nge, <br />6. 7he cit,y forces iri�i protect surrounding trees by placing a chemical <br />around the diseased tree. This expens� �vould b� absor�ed by the ad�inistra-tion <br />and i nsz�ecti on casts. <br />7, 7he city �nspector ��ould return on the �lt�r day t� d��ermine if the tre� <br />has been r�moved and if not, not5fy the cantract�r to d� so before t�� <br />20tn day. <br />8. �he bills for the work would be rnailed to the praperty 4�ln�r aftAr the <br />►�ork i s comp�E eie and the prop�rty owner gi ven 30 da_ys i� pay . T#�e <br />proper�y ot�v�ers shoul d be affor�ed the oppar��ni ty to pay thi s arr�ount <br />with int�rest over a five-year period. <br />9. The existing pra�tice of providing a sapling v�rhen trees ar� removed in <br />baulevards under the city �urisdiction s�ou�d be cor�tinued and ex�anded <br />to includ� similar trees on co�nty roads and state trunk�znes. Due to <br />costs, however, this should nat be expanded to trees on private property. <br />