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� <br />�2� <br />E�4 L�nebarge� Mo�red, Hess S�econded9 that Eirsenal Sand and Gravel <br />Company, low bYdde�, be awarded the b�.d on Class 4, C1ass 5, <br />B� 2 and �� 1 agggega�ese RaII �all, �yss:.• He�s�, Brennan, <br />Curle�+, Demo� and Lineb�rger ., 1Vays o I�one., <br />Linebaxger Mo�red, Hes� �econd�d, �hat Bat�ton Con��acting Co., <br />lorv b�dder, be awarded �he bid an Clas� 2 and FA 2 b�clkshot aggre- <br />gateso R.ol ]�all, A.�es �. He�s, Bx°ennan, Cux°ley, Demo.� and <br />Lineba.x�ger� Nay�< N�n�� <br />L�nebarger M�veda Hess Seconded, that �1shb�ch Construct�on Co6, <br />lo�r b�dde�, be awa�ded the bxd an blae�Ctop mater�als, Ftoll Ca11, <br />Aye� o He��, B�°ennan, Cur�le�, D�mos and 1�ineba�°ger e Nays o None, <br />Linebarger Ma�ed, He�� Se��nded, that Ric}xard� OiI Compan�r, low <br />�iddex°, be awa�d�d t�xe bad on �treet maYntenance oil� Roll CaIl9 <br />Ayes� He��, B�ennan, Cu�1��, Demo� and 7�inebarger� Na��a Noneo <br />E-5 Curley Moved, He�� Second�d, tha� �he exten�ion of Metropolitan <br />Tran�it Commi�szon's Bu� Route No� 11 f�rom the western cit� <br />lYmYts at �o�ntg� Roa�d C i� Rosedal.e Shopping Center �e appro�red, <br />Roll Ca�lA �y�es, Hes�a Brennany Curle�� Demos and Linebax°gero <br />Na�s; Noneo <br />E--6 C-Ie�s Morred9 Demos Se�ondecl9 �hat Re�olution Noo b247 accepting <br />petition and c�ll%ng �o�° f�as�bYl�ty� repor� on Project ST-75-6, <br />(Haml�ne•�Josephine �t�r�m se�rex areaj be adoptedo Roll Call, <br />Ay�es a He�s 9 B�ennan, Curl e� , Demos and L,i nebarger o l�ay� a None � <br />E�7 L�nebarge�° Mov�d, Demos Se��nded, th.�.� 1t���I�xt��n Noo 6248 <br />awra� t;h� �ont�act �o QoI��Se �on��x�xctxan Gampany, low b�dder, <br />fo�° Comb�ned �mpro�rement� ot ��75 Stox°m Sewer, S'T 74�U14 and <br />S'I°--74-14 B, in �he amoura't �f $7J1,869a1.0 be adoptedo 3�o1I Call, <br />Ayes�. FIe��, Brennan, Curley, Demo� and Linebargero Nays, Noneo <br />STREE� <br />hWTNTEN�LNCE <br />MA'CERIALS <br />EXTENSYON OF' <br />BUS R.OUTE I�O, <br />11 <br />RESOLUTION <br />N�. 6247 <br />RESOY,UTYOH <br />N0. 6248 <br />��8 Cur'.le� M��'�d, Dem6s ��conded, th�� Re�olu�.ion I�o, 6249 authorizYng RESOLU'1°ION <br />the May�� and Man�ger tto ��gn Supplemental ,4gre�ment Noa 1 to N0, b249 <br />Agre�m�n� IVoo 56339 call�ng �or° a traff�� signal at �the �nte�- <br />sect�.on o�' �oun�y Road B�� a.nd the we.�t x�amp of 'I"H S1 b� adop�eda <br />Roll Cally A�eso He��, Brenn�n, Cux°ley9 Demo.� and L�.neba�gere <br />Nays� None� <br />E-9 Demo� Morred, �ess Se�onded, �h�t t�e I�ayor and Manager be authorized PI�1�1VI1VG <br />to ��gn a contra�t wit.h Ho�v�x�d Dahlg�en and ,4s�ociate� �ox pro- CONSUL"I'�1T <br />�essianal p1�nx��a�g serrrices o i��Il �all, Aye� a Hess, Srennan, COI�'I"l��lC'I' <br />Curle�a D�mos and LYneba�ger�o Na���� I�one, <br />E� 10 Brennan �I¢�rred � He�� 5e�anded a tha� the reque�t o� I�orbe�t Peka <br />for pr•elzminar�y plat apprav'al of 'fP'eka Add��ion" at 384 Coun�� <br />Road C be re�er�ed to the T'lannYng CommissYOne Roll ca11, Ayeso <br />Hess, Brennan9 Curle�ra D�mo� and Linebargero Naysa 1Voneo <br />B�ennan Moved, Hess Seconded, �hat �he reque�t, of Mort Hubex° <br />for r�ezon�,r�g from R�3�1 �m B-3 and specYal use permit at 720 <br />County Road B be referreci to the I�lann�ng Cammxss�on, Roll Call, <br />l�yes° Hes�� Brennan, Curle�, Deme� and Linebargex^o Na�s� Noneo <br />NOi�B�1tT PEIU1 <br />MORT' HUBEIt <br />