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arr o�nrrrArrc� �To. <br />AN ORi?TNANCE PRESCRiB TNG REGIlLATIONS FOR <br />CQNFINEDiENT, LICEI�SIATG AND CARE OF DOGS ANb CATS. <br />The CS.ty Council of the City of Rase�ille does hereby ordain: <br />I. <br />Chapter 145 a� the City Code o£ the City of Roseville is <br />hereby amended to read as £ollows: <br />�.45. �Oo5 cZ71a. C2t5 <br />J.45.010. Definitian. As used in this chapter "awner" means <br />any person a dog or cat. "At large" means of� the premises <br />a� the owner and not under the control of the ownex, a member of his <br />immed�ate fa.mily, or a person designated by the owner, <br />of a do�,;, by a leash, card or chain not more than 10 feet i.n length. <br />A dog under cantrol sole�y by means of command or.signa3 shall be <br />considexed under control, only if in the presence of the oiv�aer or some <br />other person ot suztable age and discret3an and on the owner's pre�ises, <br />or the premise o£ another who has given consenfi to the owner. <br />145.020. Confinement of Dogs and Cats. No dog or cat shall be <br />allowed by its owner to run at laxge, and every dog or cat in heat shall <br />be confined during such entire period and un'til such dog or cat shal.l no� <br />attract other dogs or cats in account thereof. <br />145.030. Cextain Animals beclared Nuisances. No persan shall <br />keep or allow ta be icept any dog, cat, or other animal which shall by <br />any noise, dis�.urb the peace and quiet o£ any other person. No �exson <br />sha17. iceep within the City limits a dog or cat, or other anamals which <br />habitually barks ar for extended or unreasonable pexiods of time, <br />and any such animal which damages plantings or structuxes, or deposits <br />fecal matter on private pxoperty of others, after ��e person o►aning or <br />harboring the animal. has been notified o� such ac�s as herein provided <br />is herehy declared to be a nuisance. Any persan aggrieved by an animal <br />nuisance may make a wxitten complaint to the Police Department, or <br />such other persons designa�ed by the City Manager, stat�.ng the acts <br />complained of, the name and addxess of th� owner of the ani.mal, and <br />the narne and addr�ss of �he person making the complaint. The Police <br />Depaxtment shall them promptl.y noti£y the person oti�nxng ox <br />the animal and sha3� ordex the nuzsa�ce <br />