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� <br />C <br />C�. <br />� <br />May 7, 1975 <br />PL4NiV1NG RE°QR7 <br />CASE NUM�ER: <br />888�-75 <br />APPLICANI': PAori- J . H�6er <br />�90� V'Jest Q��[d ragl� Road <br />St. Pau�, /Vlinnesota <br />LOCATiON: <br />AC�'lOi�l R�QUES7�D: <br />PLANNING C�NSIDERATI4NS: <br />Soui-h of County Road $, 111/est of Dale Si-rpei� <br />($ee Slc�tch} <br />Rezoning frorn P.-3�, to 8-3 and Sp�cial Use <br />Permit for Corrzr-n�rcial Plann�d Unit Deveiopment <br />]. In l9%2 Mr. Huber received approvai of a p(ann�d unit busin�ss development <br />und�r Sec3-ian 13.15Q of th° Rosevil[e Zoning CocEe. The plan su�sequeni�ly <br />constructed inciuded the d�v�Ioprnent o� a 30,000 squdre faot super m��-ke� pr�d <br />an additional i�i,b21 sqe�are feef af shops. The land had been zoned B�-3 under <br />the Zoning Ordinpnce and 1Vla� adoption in i9�9. <br />2. Ta i-he wes�, Mr. Huber cdnstru�ted a 42 unii' apartment �uilding tiviirn �-2 gt�rog� <br />paricing sfalls und�r t�e bui�dir�g and addi'rior�ai oufiside parking coni-iguous �a fih� <br />�usines; developrneni� fo the easfi. On tne westerly end a� tne property (ai� f�e <br />corner of Counfy Road B anci Daie Streei�} Mr. He�ber deveioped a service statjon <br />t�af is probafaly t�e best {ooking s�-ai�ion in Ros�ville. 7he �oi�a1 pro��ct was <br />well don� and was an enorrr�ous improverrtenf over �I�e old dzcre�ii- industria! <br />buildings anc! dump site i-hat forrnerly occupied the sifie. <br />3. B��w°en ti�e business area a�d the �parFm�n� si�z �here is a change in grade of <br />ap�foximateiy ane floar leve9. On this rad° �(jP a 1icc���- pro oses ta buifd a <br />n°w s�-ru � of �wo stori°s wi#�{i retail shops orieni��� to the ea,� ai� th° lo;ver <br />leve� (same as i- e s opping area) an w't f�ice s ace above �m A <br />c� artment arkin to the west. T�� s!:etch in�ica��s �the Iocc��-ion o�' the n�w <br />structure in re�ationship to the existing dev�iopm�nt. The original develop:net�t <br />and fihe p� oposed currvnt additian was designec! by Eidon Marris�r� Archii�ec�s, Ir�c. <br />L1 seri�s of six Iargz s�a{e dra�vir�gs hav� b��n �r��ared ���ich will E�ave be�r� <br />fileci viifin t�? City and wiEl �e uvailao�� at �€�e pu'�lic h�arir�g- <br />