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May 7, ]9i5 <br />PLANNlNG REPORT <br />CAS� NUMBER: <br />APPLICANT: <br />LOCATIQN: <br />ACTIdN R�QUEST�D: <br />PLANNENG CONSIDERAiIONS: <br />.. , <br />. <br />Norbert �eka and Ec! CavE and Sons, �nc. <br />Southwesfi Corner of Caunty Road C <br />and Western Avenue <br />Ap}�rovaI of Preliminary Pfat <br />2. The propert-y in c�u�stion is proposed to be developed for single farnily purposes <br />by Sarr� Cave and will consist of four buiiclable �ots, one of which is occupiec! <br />by the Peka residance. <br />2. You will note from th� sl�etch ci- the le�Ft that lois �ronting on Couniy Road C <br />will �av� frantag� of $0 feet and lot areas af i2,8D0 squa�e feet (westarly <br />lo�) and I1,a00 squar� feet (cent-er lotj. The corner 1of is iO4 x Il5 feef <br />wi%h a 10� area of 11,960 square feet. T{�e lot fronting east on West4rn Avenue <br />has frontage of 97 feet and a lat area of 13,97Q sq�are feet. <br />3. The mi�imum lot frontage on interior fots is 85 feef� wii�h 11,000 squar� font <br />area. The minimurn frontage for corner [ots is 104 fe�� and i2,50Q square feefi <br />of lot area_ In vi�w of the lirnited dirr�ensions of the tota! parcel, the loi- <br />sizes and arrafigernent proposed seems reasonable. <br />4. The proposed parcei division includ�s three outlofs ir�dieated as Outlafis A, <br />8 and C. Mr, Cave reporfiedly has potenfiiai safes of Qui-lots B and C to t�� <br />contiguous landowners �o the east and wesi-. Outlof A is pro�osed to b� sold <br />to ihe Ic�ndowner an fhe west. Qvestic�ns af t�e apPlicani- regarding tliese sales <br />would �e appropriai�e. 7hese outlofis vrould not, of covrse, be buildabl� iot� <br />(hc�ving no sfr�et acces;}, li� is not uncam�non to plat such �ots for sc�le i-o <br />adjaceni' parties, !f the sa[e can �e rinalized {agreed u�on) before the pre- <br />paration of the finaf p1at, ii- would be better to plat �he outiot as a part of iF�e <br />lot it is to be added to (if #he fatter is n�t alre�dy cr �la�-t�d 10�). 7his ap�ears <br />fo 6e f�e case for fihe Iot ea�t of Out�ot C, <br />