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4, 197� <br />��LA�NTNG REPORi <br />CRS� PJUit1QER: <br />APPLTCAPd7: <br />LOCATIO�: <br />RGTiOPt REQU�S7ED: <br />PLAN�tI�Va CONSIDERA7ION: <br />893 - 75 <br />K�nneth Reinhard� <br />23�9� N. Vi ctori a Street <br />Rflsevi 71 e, Mj� <br />East End of Sherren Street <br />West of Uictor�a Avenue (see s[cetch) <br />Division of the Lot <br />l. The proper�y in question �s a parce7 280 feet in �eng�h (east-west) <br />w�ith a depth o� 129.74 fee� located nart�t of Sherren 5treet as it <br />7s proposed -�o be extend�d as indicated at �he sketch at the 7ef� anc� <br />marked "praposed s�reet". You wi7l recall the Planning Cammission <br />and Cauncil's consideration o�F the street pattern to dev�lop the <br />Tand immediately w�st of Victoria Avenue batween Sandhurst �as extended) <br />anc� Sherren Street. The P�anning Commission and the Councii have <br />recoi�mended the deve3opment of the street as shown on the sketch, and <br />the Co�anci7 has ordered the pcablic improvement for cans�ruc��an this <br />year. <br />2. Mr. Reinhardt praposes �o file a plat for th� property in quest�on, and <br />is seeking approva7 af the division of the i.61 acre Fdelson Tract �or <br />thi s pur�aose. The di vi si an 7 i ne proposed i s as shov�ln an tf�e sketch <br />a� the 1eft ieaving a parcel of land -far the existing home 7ocat�d to <br />the east of the �orp�r�y in question. This line conforms to th� <br />pro�osed di vi si an o�F 7 ancf as revi ewed by tf�� P1 anni ng Commi ss i an and <br />Counc�i lead�ng �o th� deveiogment af ihe properties con-�iguous to tne <br />proposed s�reet. A preliirtinary p�tat for most of th� remaining land <br />�o �i�� south is ir� the process of pre�aration by ana�her Rosev�7le <br />i�o�e bui 1 der, and 4�ri i 1 be submi tted to the P1 ann�i ng Commi ssi on and <br />C�uncii for the Juiy mee�ing. <br />3. The propased division ir� quQ;tion and the ensu�r�g plats constitute a <br />program o€ orderly deve�opment ofi properties COi1tTJU0US to the <br />propos�d street as s�nwn 7r� �h� dr�awing prev�ously approv�d by �he <br />Pianning Corrnnission and City Council. <br />