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AGENDA SECTION : <br />REQUEST FQR COUNCIL ACTfON DATE: June 9 �9�s <br />JATING DEPT./DIV.: <br />Resolutions F� Ordinances Administration <br />-�; Nn.: lTEM DESCRIPTION: Resolution in Support of Reenactment of <br />�-'� Federal Revenue Sharing <br />DEPT. HE,A(j�rqppROVAL. <br />!�/L� <br />���f <br />MGR. REVlEWED/RECOMMENDS: <br />At the present time the Congress is considering legislation �or reenac�ment of <br />Federal Revenue Sharing program. The National League of Cit i es, the U. S. Conference <br />of Mayors and the Minnesota League of Municipalities, a1I hav e issued statements <br />xequesting local officials to urge �heir senators and repres entatives to support <br />this legislation. <br />The general principals of the reenactment bill is consistent with the guidelines <br />proposed by the Na�tional League of Cities and the Minnesota Le�gue of Municipalities. <br />The NLC is extremely concerned that the bill will. be consider ed during calendar year <br />1975 since if such action is postponed no revenue sharing Zeg islation could, under <br />new budget proceduxes, be enacted until May IS, 1976. <br />The purpose af the attached resolution is to urge oursenators and representative <br />to support the legislation and work to have it considered dux ing the 1975 session. <br />Council Action Requested: Adoption of Resolution in support of Reenactment <br />of the Revenue Sharing Legislation. <br />