<br />Regular Mee��ng of the Git}f Councxl - July 21a 1975,
<br />The City Council met �an �he ab�ve date wi�h the following members
<br />presen�: Mayor Lineba�ger� Cauncilmen Demos, Hess, Br�ennan and
<br />Cu�leyo Nay�: Non��.
<br />A�3 Hess Moved, Demns Seconded, th�� �he mtnute� of the meeting af
<br />July 7, Z975, be approved� Ro11 Call, Ayes: Demos, Hessa
<br />Brennan, Gizrley and Lineba�gex�o Nays: N�neo
<br />B-1 Curley Moved, Demos Seconded, that Tusle� Lodge request fo�°
<br />rezoning from R-1 ta R�3A9 s�ecial us� permi� and condi�ional
<br />use pexmit at 13Z1 Count� RQad B-2 be appr�oved with the condition
<br />that �Che use of the bui�.�.ing b� lsmited �o lodge purp�ses � Roll
<br />C�ZZ, Ayes: Demos, Hess, Brerinan, C�.irley and Line��.x°ger� Nays:
<br />Noneo
<br />B-2 Curley Maved, Hess Seconded, �ha�t the request of Aiic.hels Const-
<br />ruction Company for final plat app�°oval of "Miche�s R�se�aw�� No . 2"
<br />;;e cant�nued ur�tii the Augus� 4, 1975, meeting, Roll Cal1, Ayes:
<br />Demos, Hess, Brennan, {�Z�1�y and Linebarger, Nay�: Noneo
<br />C-1 Demos Mov-ed., Hess Second�d, that � Council work session be
<br />ablished �ox° 6:00 PoMe, A�bnday, JuYy 2�, �.� the City Hall,
<br />the purpa�e of discussing preli�nary budget prog�°ams and
<br />estimatese Roll Cali, Ayes: Demos, Hess, Brennan, Curley
<br />Linebargero Nay�: Noneo
<br />es�-
<br />for
<br />and
<br />Demos Moved, Hes� Seconded, �:ha� � Counc�l woxk �ession be
<br />established fo� 8:00 P�M,y Wedne�day, Ju1y 30, at the Roseville
<br />MunicipaZ Golf Course Cl�bho�xse wi�h the City oi Axden Hills and
<br />the Rice Cxeek Water$hed. �o� the purpose of discus�ing drainage
<br />problemss Rol1 Call, .�ye�: D�mosa Hess, Brennan, Cur��ey and
<br />Linebar�ger o Nays o Nane ,
<br />E-1 Dem�s Moved, Hess 5econaed� th�t Dayton Development Company's
<br />r�equest for �relsminar�y plat "'Rosedale Center Third Addition"
<br />at 17�5 TH 36 be �pp�oved with th� condxtion that Ot.itlot D be
<br />removed fx�om the pla�.; and further th�t a public he�ring be
<br />�stablished for August 18y 19'75, on the f�.nal pl�.t� RoII Call,
<br />Ayes: Demos, Hes�, Brennan, Gi��ley and Linebarger°� Nays: Naneo
<br />E-2 Brennan Moved, Demos Secvnded, �hat the request o� John S�rauss
<br />fox� minor variance to frant ya�d setback a� 3188 �ties� �h+rassc�
<br />Bouleva�a be approvedo Roll Call, Aye�� Demos, Hess, Br�ennan,
<br />Gtiirley and Lineba�ger= Ndy�; Non�o
<br />E- 3 Cur2ey Nloved, Brennan �econded, that John Bronnex�' s x�e�u�si
<br />for a building permxt at 2959 My.ld�°ed D�ive be appraved in
<br />accordance with the px�ovision� o� the lakeshore zoning ordinancee
<br />RoII Call, Ayes: Demas, Hess, Brennan, C�r1ey and Linebargero
<br />Nays: Noneo
<br />7:30 PoAi�
<br />i"US1,ER iLOIItiE
<br />A4ICI�LS
<br />PLAT
<br />I�IYTON
<br />DEVELOP'��i"r
<br />CG��PA:'J`Y
<br />�UIi�i ST�USS
<br />30HN BRONNER
<br />