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<br />ATTACHMENTB <br />Twin Lakes Redevelopment Phase I <br />M:PCA VIC Proj ect Number VP467 1 <br />MODIFICATIONS AND COMMENTS <br /> <br />1. Figures 6 through 9 of the Report illustrating the locations of the proposed borings cunently do not <br />illustrate thc locations of existing bnildings (or identified areas ofconcem). The M:PCA staff <br />requested additional figures on June 23, 2005, to provide overlays of existing buildings via e-mail <br />correspondence with AET. Electronic versions of those additional figures were provided to the <br />. M:PCA project staff on June 28, 2005, and have been reviewed. The M:PCA staff understand that <br />these fi ures will be rovided as part of a su lement or amendment to the Re art in order to - <br />facilitate review of the locations of the proposed borings relative to t e locations of existing <br />structures. <br /> <br />2. Section 1.2, page 13. Figure 10 is described as a grading plan that shows cuts and fills. The figure <br />includes a legend for cut and fill, with a color pattem to illustrate the respective areas proposed for <br />cuts and fill. ~CA staff request that once a cut and fill plan with contours has been finalized <br />that copies oftheseJ,2lans be rovided to the M:PCA with a description of any significant <br />nlodifications to the cut and fill plan as illustnted on Figure 10 or in Ta les 1 through 11. <br /> <br />3. Section 2.1, Scope ofW OTk. The scope of work for the soil investigation shonld include focnsed <br />-====. <br />screening and sampling of the shallow soils for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in both the <br />Vlcml of Monitoring Well MW-2 as well as the area of the Indianhead Parcel where chlorinated <br />solvents have been detected in shallow groun watcr. Similarly, d."eper ground water characterization <br />should be conducted in the vicinity of the h1dianhead VOC ground water release and shallow ground <br />water characterization in the vicmlty at M W -'1. <br /> <br />4. During the advancement of the probes proposed in the Report, the M:PCA staff recommend that <br />additional samples be collected as neces3!ill'J~em1ine the extent and character of the fill <br />encountered in the shallow soils on the~ p~J);ontaining debris inclnding plastic, wood, and <br />styrofoam (see conID1ent lb in the October 2004 M:PCA RAP review letter). This type offill debris is <br />not appropriate for residential land use and should be delineated, characterized and targeted for <br />removal. . <br />~ <br /> <br />S. The Contingency Plan is acceptable for the proposed Phase II Work proposed, however, info11l1ation <br />regarding how ~vestigation-derived waste (IDW) shall be managed shall he provided to the M:PCA. <br /> <br />6. Section 3.5, page 18. In addition to collecting samples for RCRA metals in soils or fill containing <br />ashes, cinders, or clinkers, the MPCA staff recommend that samples for RCRA metals be collected. <br />and analyzed to characterize debris fill identified from previons investigations at the P1K. In addition, <br />the M:PCAsta!! recommend that sclectecl;-J-epresentative samples for RCRA metals be COllected to <br />characterize pOliions of the excess fill that will be targeted for offsite disposal. Although the excess <br />fill soils are proposed to be characterized dnring this investigation, please note that the M:PCA staff <br />may request additional characterization based on the final cut/fill plan, results of this investigation, <br />and depending upon the proposed offsite use for the excess soils. <br /> <br />7. Section 3.4. Please provide proposed ntiEties map once this infoill1ation is available as pari a Report <br />supplement illustrating the depth and type of utility service, and also indicate which existing utilities <br />will remain and which will be abandoned if any. <br />