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<br />Friday, July 15, 2005 <br /> <br />(2) At least 10 days in advance of the due date for any damage award, auy relocation <br />benefit payment or any deposit required to be made into court in connection with the <br />acquisition by condemnation (subject to the Redeveloper's right to elect not to pro- <br />ceed, as set forth in Section 3.6), the Redeveloper shall deposit an amount equal to <br />one hundred percent (100%) of such award, payment or deposit, less the Redevel- <br />oper's initial deposit. <br /> <br />(b) Transfer of the acquired Parcel to the Redeveloper will be scheduled <br />promptly after acquisition of the Parcel by the City. At the closing, the Redeveloper ei- <br />ther shall pay the condemnation costs aud relocation costs, if any, incurred beyond the <br />sums previously deposited by the Redeveloper or shall receive a refund if the final total <br />acquisition costs are less than the Redeveloper's deposits. <br /> <br />(c) If the amount of the award or relocation payment is appealed, the Rede- <br />veloper sball advance, at closing, one hundred ten percent (110%) of the amount of the <br />Respondent's claim plus the City's estimated costs of defending the appeal, less the <br />amount of deposits made by the Redeveloper. <br /> <br />Section 3.4. Additional Conditions to Citv Obligation. The obligation of the <br />City to make the deposit and obtain title to and possession of any Parcel is, unless waived <br />in writing by the City, also subiect to the following: <br /> <br />(a) The Redeveloper is not in default of any provisions of this Agreement aud <br />all amounts due and payable as provided above in this Article have been paid. <br /> <br />(b) The Redeveloper shall have examined the condition of title as such is to be <br />acquired bv the City and notified the Citv in writing that such condition of title is satis- <br />factory or will be satisfactory upon the conclusion of eminent domain proceedings. <br /> <br />(c) The Redeveloper has provided the City with an undertaking in the form of <br />a written agreement. and with security all reasonably acceptable to the City. which will <br />assure payment bv the Redeveloper of the security and payments set forth in Section 3.3. <br /> <br />(d) The Redeveloper has furnished the City with written notice acceptable to <br />the City indicating that. based upon the Redeveloper's own investigation. the Redevel- <br />oper is satisfied in all respects with the nature and condition (environmental or otherwise) <br />of such Parcel and accepts the same AS IS and WHERE IS. <br /> <br />(e) The Redeveloper has fumished the City with written evidence acceptable <br />to the City that it has the financial ability to construct the Proiect. <br /> <br />(f) The City has reviewed and approved the Concept Plan. <br /> <br />(g) The Tax Increment District has been approved and a request for celiifica- <br />tion has been made to the County Auditor. <br /> <br />3 <br />