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<br />City Council Regular Meeting - 06/20/05 <br />Minutes - Page 31 <br /> <br />look to the expert advice given by consultants and staff, <br />and to look to the Council's role in a broader sense, not to <br />draft contract language from the bench. <br /> <br />Mayor Klausing asked City Manager Beets and <br />Community Development Director Welsch if they had any <br />concerns that the proposed contract didn't protect the <br />City's interests sufficiently; or if additional time was <br />needed for a comfort level prior to proceeding. <br /> <br />City Manager Beets responded that, in numerous <br />consultations between staff and city consultants, substantial <br />details had been worked out, various scenarios considered <br />and evaluated, Council and citizen comments taken into <br />consideration, and a number of drafts circulated and <br />revised, reflecting the document provided tonight. Mr. <br />Beets opined that the end product was a worthy one and <br />that he was willing to stand by it tonight as representing <br />best efforts to protect and benefit the City. <br /> <br />Mr. Casserly noted that, these documents were negotiated <br />contracts, and in his 23 years in the business, with some <br />250 agreements, he was confident that this document <br />presented a balanced agreement between parties, <br />representing considerable negotiations, creative <br />positioning, and protected the city and citizens of <br />Roseville. Mr. Casserly noted the exhaustive clauses in <br />Article 8 related to events of default and remedies. <br /> <br />Schroeder moved, Maschka seconded, adoption of <br />Resolution No. 10317 entitled, ""A Resolution Approving <br />a Contract for Private Redevelopment with Roseville Twin <br />Lakes, LLC for Opportunity Areas 1-5 and 8 of the Twin <br />Lakes Redevelopment Area;" as amended, by deletion of <br />language on page 18 of the draft contract, in Section <br />4.5,a,2, "Determination of Land Prices," as indicated <br />below: <br />"(2) The cost of any Parcel acquired after December <br />31, 200 I by the Redeveloper or by any of its equity <br />owners from an unrelated party in an arm's length <br />transaction shall be the price paid for the Parcel, plus <br />