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<br />Tim V!.:~,tt <br /> <br />]cXPEIUENCJc: <br />l'vlilllaging ProdHccr~Co:-n_is C\lll1J1l1111ic(]liol1s, Minneapolis, NIinnesota J/9<)~preSeJ1L <br />Duties: CoordiIlllting sUlllfm CONUS news gathering find All News Channel, including <br />monitoring work of employees :!nd C,)!lc!Llcling performance revic\vs, writing and producing or <br />ANC find First Business prograllls, editing scripts, coordinating gr3phic production lor prognum:, <br />arranging satellite feeds from stntioIlS, coordinating feeds to stations, coordinilting covcn1ge of <br />live 8vt:lllS, handling ch:n: SUllkli'! sel'viet: ],L2:quesls, m,iilllaillillg chlily llewS g,'llhc]'illg <br />operatlollS widJin est:!b:i:>h2l.l budg'2t, comdlnal!llg presentation of news infol'Jl1[llion on the <br />CONUS web site. <br /> <br />Pl'odUCCi'-5:30 News, \VOOJ~TV, Grnl1d R[:pids, :r,J.idligan 3/97~3/99. <br />Duties: Coorclinntil1g stor:, coverage ;Hld gr:lphic prescntfltion for 5:30 1l(~\VS program, writing <lod <br />editing stories, writing ::;lo:-ics fbr the stationls web sire, production ofbrcaking news cut-ins, <br /> <br />Producer-Weekends "nei spc~in!s KWCH-TV, Wichita, KS 3/95-3/97. <br />Duties: CoonJin<lli:lg stOI"." Ci)\-'Cl'(1.gc :lllcl graphic pre~ent:1tjoll oj'wcekend news progrflllls, <br />coordinildng sliln~ writii'!g und (~diting ~tol'ies, editing yicil30 i;lpe, coordinating ,llJ aspects of <br />producing specinls, field producer for nnchors' series, <br /> <br />Producel'~y\re'~ke!lc!, Jive rllld tell o'clock nows KFVS~TV, Cape Girarueau, rvIO 7/9tj~3/9S. <br />Duties: CoordinHting story covci'nge nnd graphic preselltBtipll ofncws progr8111S, editing scripts <br />and tflpe, productioll ofspc.cird repons. <br /> <br />Producer-Ten o'dack new; KAIT-TV, .Tallcsboro, AR 12/93-7/94. <br />Duties: Coorclinating story coverRgc and grnphic presentation oflate evening news progrilll1, <br />coordinalillg 01an-: writing (lnd editing scripts, editing t:'lpe, vid0ography, coordinating <br />prim.:!ry election cov,~r8ge nnd occasional prpduc(io_1l ofspe.cials. <br /> <br />Allchor/HeI'Ol'ln-WMAY_Md, Spri!igtiC'!d, JL ]019J-12/91. <br />Duties: Co~all('.horiJ1g chlil.\' hOllr~!ollg llC\\'SCHst, anchoring a/'le-moon updates; gCllcrntlllg siory <br />ideas, writing scI"iP(S, edit Ilg scripts and [Rpe, occflsiolla) hosting of public atnlirs prognllll, <br /> <br />nl'JlortCI'~Gi)V~l":lrne:lt UK! 1)(;li~i('s :\:porttr il1L:rn for WAND-TV, Decflttlr, rL, Intensive halJds-oll <br />Expericn\:.c C(J\,c:'ing llle sLd'~ ca;):1:11, ]/):;~':'193, <br />Dutic~: PeFolti:lL~, ~:fl1l.:':":Il::l~; ~tC!ic:>, rC~(';lr:;I':iJig ,\[J(! tracking legisjutiun ofintcrcst io audience, <br />video tape editing ulld VidCOgi"Hphy. <br /> <br />11epol'tel'~BllSilless ,1Ild pO:ilil's r~porter for th0 ~nle(klliUillJ1gcord, St. Johnsbury, VT, l;Jrgesl d:1iJy <br />newspaper covering (! six ',:OU1\I.:.',' 2rcn il! Verlllont nllc1 New Hnlllpshire, 3/91-7/92. <br />Duties: Reponil1g, gel1c~-i\liI1S story ide,:s, L:searchil1g ftlld photogr<1phy, <br /> <br />EDUCITlON: <br />JVJ.A. in Public At~~'lirs Repon:ng (1993) <br />University oflllinois ~lt .spriilgficld, Springfield, IL 62794 <br /> <br />B,S, in Broauc:lst ]o~IrIHll:s;ll (1991) <br />Lyndon SUite Co!l::gc, LynJoliviJl.:, \IT OS(::S! <br /> <br />AFFILlAnONS: <br />Radio ilncl Tclevi~iO!l New:: D:rcclolS ;\ssociation <br />