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-2- <br />44'HEREAS, zt is in the best interest of the foilowing communitiEs <br />who have participated to date in joint negoti.ations, <br />Blaine <br />Brooklyn Park <br />Calumbia Heibhts <br />Caon Rapids <br />Crystal <br />Edina <br />Fri.dley <br /> Grove Heigl�zts <br />Men�iata Heights <br />i�touncl s V i ew <br />New Brighton <br />:vew Iiope <br />Noxth St. Pa�I <br />Rasevilie <br />itobbinsdale <br />St. Louis Park <br />�Vest St . Paul' <br />4Vhite Bear Lake <br />ta ha�e the question of essentiality determi.ned on a joznt basis, and <br />WHEREAS, �f th�; employee group is determzned fio be essential at is i.n <br />the best i�terest af the Ca.ty of Roseville to continue ta be xepresented <br />in negotiations up ta.and including bindang arbitration for the 1975 <br />cantract year w�.th Local No. 32Q by the MetropoXitan Area l�lanagers <br />Association Mlanagement Bargaining Com�nittee, <br />NOW, TFiEREFORE, B� IT RESQLl1ED by the Counci7. of the City of Rosevi�le: <br />1. That the Metropoiitan �lrea �tanagers Associati.on <br />Management Bargaining Committee is hereby authorized <br />�o represent the City of Rosevi2le in the detErmination <br />of the questian of essentzali�y xegarding employees repre- <br />sented by Local No. 32Q. <br />2. That the P�Ietropolitan Axea Managers Associati.on .Management <br />Bargaining Committee is hereby designa�ed as the represent- <br />atives af the Ci.ty of Roseville in negotiatians up ta and <br />including bindang axhitration for the 1975 contract year with <br />LocaT No. 320. <br />SE TT FiJRTHER R�50L1/Ep, that the City Managex is heret�y aizthorized and <br />directed to £i.le a copy ot this resolution in the Office of the City <br />Manager, New Brighton, Minnesota. <br />The mation for the adopta.on of the foregaing resolution was duly <br />seconded by Member and upon vote being �aken thereon, the <br />£ol.lowing voted in iavor thexeo£: <br />and the following voted agai.nst <br />Wf-IEREiTP�A� said resoiutian was declared duly passed and adopted.. <br />