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A 60 FOOT PERF'ETUAL EA�E���E�J� FOR ROA�S Ai�tD UTILITIES, Ti-iE CE�'lTEP.LI�a� <br />OF SATD PERPE7UAL �ASEh1E�•IT BEIf�r DESCRIQED AS F�LLO.�►S: <br />Cor�riencin� at the nariheast carner of the ;�lorthea�t Quarter <br />(,���} of Section 10, �ovrrtship 29, P.anc�e 23; tl�enc� Sou�h 137.6� feet <br />aiong the east sec�ion of 5dlf� S�Ct10n 10 to a point, sa�d poini be�n� the <br />centerline of Caunt.y Road C; thence �ies-t alang sai� c�nter7ine 725 f�et <br />to the poi nt of begi nn�n� o-� t�z� cen-�erl ine of the 60-foot perpe�tual <br />easeraent; �hence n�rit� peroendiCUlar ta fihe cent�riine of said County <br />Road 289.83 f��t to a point, said point also 6ein� the beginning nf <br />tan��nt curv� concave to th4 sou�heast hav�ng a central an�ie of 86 <br />degrees 50 minutes 00 seconds ar�d a rad�us af 3��0.0 fe2�; thence <br />;dartherly and East�rly along �he arc of sa9�1 crarve i51,56 feet .to a <br />aoint; tE�ence �asterly aiang a �ine �angen� to said cur�re 228.08 feet <br />to a poini, said point also being �he beginning of �ang�nt curve <br />cancave to the northwest I�avin� a cen�rai ang3e of 9� d�grees QQ <br />minutes 0� seconds and a r�d�us of 75.0 fe�t; t�a�nce Easter7y and <br />�lartner7y a1ong thP arc of saiti curve 11.7.�1 feet to a point; thenc� <br />l�Jarther7y 391.89 fe�t to a pQi nt an th� centerl ine of �doodtii l l Dri v�, <br />said pai�t being 24�.55 feet ��a�st o� the east section Iine of SQCti�n <br />3, Township 29, �ange 23, sub�ect to roads an� ease�enfs, ar�d there <br />t�rr�i nati n�. <br />