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0 <br />��.i - �%F'I13L'14'S S�"l��Z bL� o�eiatec� li1 c1CC�_l2(laC1C(' C�71t}i i=�'iP_ �rc�t�1:� O� +",��' �i�r3tP <br />oJ� f=i�.r�r�c?sota and the 3.oca� nrc;inances, rt is tl-►e izltn�t o� t_�tiis <br />�rdi.n�nce to � ru�p�Ernen� i innesot� 5t��t_ute;� �_��i7, S�ct:�ons �'F.81. ta <br />�34.F��, as 7n�enc�zd �y Latvs I.�J6�J, Ch�� ;.�r 6'�5, az�d lSi.nnpsota Statutes, <br />C��a�i�er �f9, sv�.ih respect �o -cne operation af sr�o=�ur�nQilns. Suciz <br />st�,tutes are znco-rporaied 'nercin �nd rna��a a��art hereaf by rQfer�nce. <br />ihis se�:,�ion is rao-C �.r��end�tl �o p�rm�t what �Lc7�6' Sta�u�es or Lo�al. <br />Ord:i.n�nc�s prohibit. <br />3 <br />+���- Nn ven�ic�es sha1L be operated o.ti county r,rn�er�:y t��i�er� thc natux�� or <br />si.ze o� land r�a��ces �.t unsui��l�Ie �o� sucl: use (seed�.zn�; area� oz� <br />o-tl�?r areas �ha� could bs dam��ed, �iint�cs�ta S�tatutes, Section 84.87; <br />5uhc3ivision 2, e} or w�en unzavorab).e ciimatic cnnd�.tior-�� prevai.l_ � <br />• ll,-- i]�e n�' v�hicles vn county parking �.nts is restracted to l.�adin� �nd <br />u,iloading a}�era�a.ons on�.y�_ <br />�.�- :Ta si�owmobiles shall be opera��ed on any county property, lake or <br />o�her wa���rs by any p�rson ur►cler the age of �o��rte�n ye�rs, <br />��.3- N� person sha7�1, driv� ar o�er�-�e any snow;�,obi7�e whi�e unde�• fhe <br />ir,f�.�ence a� XTliO�(1C��171g I.].C�UOY' or n�rco-ti�s or habi-� formY�g dr►.�gs. <br />E iJIP�I�N.� <br />r 14- AZI. vehicles nus-� be equippQd wi�h: <br />A. I3raking sys�ems_ <br />r�. �lu��l�rs to reduee ap�ratin� noases.�a no grea'ter than the roise of <br />'�he aver�age autflmob�.�.� anc� no cu�-out, by--�ass or simx�.ar d�;�zce <br />to c�efea� mu�� shall be a�Io,�ed. <br />C. A safety �hrot�le, eor�monly described as a_''dead man" ��rof �1�D � <br />which shall �e a.� op�ra�in6 cancii �i+�n a i al�. ��rr►es the vehi�l� i� <br />in us�_ <br />D. Hna�]l.ights az�c3 �a��.�.i�hts„ <br />SPECxAL P� OVXST()�S ` <br />��i-a� �.. j.'he Shez�z�f a� Rams�y Cnu���y inay re;;s�l.��i=e �iax�s_c flot•a n��ter��s <br />�or the � nn }=c`3�CPL: ����c� or��E�� wa��rs to aid in <br />sep,-�ra�a,on of confliciin� u�;c�s, ilT'�)V}{illj� l�c���evPr thaL a�.ln�.•�h1� <br />s�eee�s c3o not exceed 30 milc�:� p�r l�c�,�r �n 7��;r �re� m�rker� Ec�r <br />�estino, ant� furthex, such r�gua_�,Cin�� of t�r�fF�zc slzall -�n no w3� <br />be t�eemed as au-�horiza��on �n �-,r„]�i.i,��: L-hF� u�n �� 1�-�ku� fnr <br />� siio�obsling o�r t�4hex•snow c}r tcrr.a:ir� v+�hicT_e�. <br />a R. Th� S�►�;C�i:if a� P.�iIl5�}� COl.��7iV m��y z�F�S:�il.7tc Ll�s� itt�n�be:t� of �:r.�.�l- <br />mobz�.es, snow c�r terrain v�l}:i_cl�� l�ii�,r n,�y �iitr�►� nn ih� l�a'�:F�� �s��r� <br />� saat�rways of Ramsey Caun�y �l���or.��l� ,�] 1. r_��a»ty p��,perty ar_cf�s���q. <br />�, The :�ol.�,o■,vxng �igr�s d�sigr►ea as n�cnssary ancl �3e�;iribl� tn <br />cnnt�r�l, dar�ct, o� re�ulai.e the c���r�"1�1QT1 r�r►�1 u�►� vi �i�r�t�,��nh; 1_�s <br />ior �]-a� pur�oses i�t�iica��cl: <br />�. LQ�'t --- 's�e�ss�rirt� B3�ayer --- pl at��c� oi �e�� �t����;;� �� <br />r�;,ssu6� the u�ex� �Se i� vn i�s� traS.i_- <br />.' <br />