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S�ctia» 6.3 - Th7s Section est�blishe5 a rn�x�imurn speed fo�^ sno�rrr�abi�� <br />opQrat�on i� Countf Parks anci an la€c�s u�der County juris- <br />d�i��iion, but al;o requires the snotd�r�obi7e opera�or� �� t�se <br />sflunci judgment ;��en sel ecting a�afe operating sp�ed based <br />on user d�n53 �ies� 4f�°1" condit�ons, s��i��� dis�3nces, �tc. <br />This S�ction aiso authorizes the Dir�c'tor o�F Parks and <br />Recr�ati on � Parks and irai3 s} , ar�d the Sheri ff ( Lafce <br />5urface) to allow �ar-�ici�ants in authoriz�d and or- <br />ganized contests (races) to exceed the maximum speed <br />iimit esta�iished by �his Section. (Th�s Section i�cor- <br />porates S�cti on 3 and part of 5ect�on 4 of t�e i 971 <br />(3rdi�a�ce.} <br />Sec�ian 6.4 - iY�is S�ciion reguires, ior reasqr�s Q� safety, tha� al i <br />snowrnobil�s b� equippec� Uriti� a orar��� blaze penna�i. <br />�'he rEq�a� r�� f� ag wil l�na�l e sno:�r�bii e opera io�s to <br />r�adi7y a�d quie��c�y de+�ec� the presence of oti��r snn+�-- <br />mobil�s in �he imr�ediat� area {those bahind s�ow banlcs, <br />those bier�ded inta t�e baci�.gro�.ar►d of vege�a-iian} . This <br />r�quiremen� should m-inimize thA passibility of collisions <br />bet�,��4n �vi �g sno5�mo�i1 as or a m�vi r�g s�o��mobil e and <br />thos� that are a� res�. �1n orang� ��aze �ennan � is re-- <br />quireci aquipment by municipai ordinan�e5 -�or snorlmoQi7es <br />operatir��g an pu�i �c streets . tThis �c�ui pment �as not re- <br />q��red �n the 3971 Ordinanc�.): <br />