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��rhereas . said architects h�iv� presented such pl�ns and <br />snecif�.catio�s �o th° Coun.cil �ax- approva�; <br />rro�� ���REF�?z B� �T x�:so�,ti�� by -tn� c���y councz.l o-� tt=� <br />Ci-�y oF Rosevz:! 1e, P�lin� �so�.a as follows: <br />l. Sucn pla�.s and speciFica�ions, copies o� �vh?ch ar� <br />a�.��ached hereta and m�d° a part hereof, are hereby ��pprov�c�._ <br />2. Th� Ci��y �Manager shaJ.l preparc a?�d c�.use to be <br />i.nserted in . the o�ficial ne��spataer of th° ci�y and in <br />Co�stxuc�ion Bu7��e�tin an advex�tisemeni ior b� ds ; o.r said <br />pro;jects und�r such approvec� pZans and specifica�.ions_ The <br />advertzsement shaZl be published �ar threQ c•leeks and shal3. <br />be in substantially �he foll.owing �orm: <br />C ITY OF ROSE VILLE <br />Advertisdrrtexit For Carzstruction B� ds <br />NOTTCE IS HER�BY GIV�N -�ha� seal.ed bids �,�rz? 1 b° r�Gei-ved <br />by the City Ma�ager and the Pul�l�c UTo�-�s Dix'eCto=� o� �ch° Ci�y <br />o� Rosev� l�.e, NlixinESOta, iaca the Citl Ha�� un-�z1 <br />2:00 p.m_ , Wedne�day, Marci�. 5, 1975 <br />at wY�.ich ti�e bz.c�s t�vill be publzcly opened and read a1o�d <br />for �he fallow�.ng p�ojects: <br />A. City HaZ3. buil.d� cansis�ing o� 27 , Q00 square iee� <br />B. Fir� Station Na. 3 consista..,-�g a.� 8,a10 squ�.x-e f�et <br />�. Cambin.�d of new ci�ty hall and n��nr �ire sta�cion No. 3 <br />D. Civic Cen��r new x��ad cans3sting of 1?00 <br />lineal fee�t (36 �ee� :€:ace to ��.ce bituminous ���ith <br />cqncrete cu�-b and gut�ter.) <br />aZ�. L�getn�r ���i�h necessary appur-��nances and i:-�:i ,ce?.laneous <br />it�ms, <br />T�.�rea�ter said ba.ds sai1.1 be tab��ated ar_�. revi.e��ied and <br />sub�it�ed to th� City Cauz�.cil �or thezr ac-�?on. The Ci.ty <br />Counc.i� reserves the r.ight �o rejec�. any and a11 bids; to <br />���aiv� irregu�ari.tzes and, in�o.rmal.ities therein and reserv�s <br />th� �� to atiaard th� con.�cract in the b��s� in�.e�est o� -�r�� <br />czty. <br />