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� ����7�w7 i ��� ������� H����� �ATE: 3Ji�!/ /5 <br />AGEMDA SECT[ON: ORIGiIVATING D£PT./DiV.: DEP7. ^ APPROVQL. <br />Reparts and Itecammendatzons Admin�str�.tion ��`J � <br />�T�rn rao.: iTEM D�SCRIPTION: E��,���t'niax�ey Contract �a-r purchase of hame MGR. f2EVlE+NE�/RECOMMENpS: <br />� �-5 owned by Linclan Oiiver ��� <br />A�tached is a Ietter f�oin the City Attorney and an earnest money contract <br />for the purchase o£ �Che han►e awned by Lindon E. Oliver. The home must be <br />remaved £ar the constrizction af public in�provemeni 74-27. <br />Council Action Re uested: <br />Motion authorizing the Mayor and �+.;::a�c:- to szgn the contract to a::yu:rc <br />garcel �io. 1 af Improve�nent 7�-27 in the amouit�b of $25,250.00 <br />