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<br />Subsequent Budget Actions <br />Subsequent to the Council adopting a Preliminary 2005 Budget and Tax Levy in September, a <br />number of budget action items were enacted or realized as n~w information became available. <br />These items as it pertains to the property tax levy are shown below. <br /> <br />Tax Levy adopted on 9/13/04 <br />Less savings from revised health care estimates <br />Less savings from the elimination of Skidsteer loader <br />Less savings from the elimination of Council goal-setting <br />Less savings from the eliminationofNLC Conferences <br />Plus the addition of a snowplow attachment <br />Revised Tax Levy <br /> <br />$ 10,761,015 <br />(30,000) <br />(35,000) <br />(S~OOO) <br />(4,050) <br />3.000 <br />$ 10,689,965 <br /> <br />As shown above, the revised 2005 Property Tax Levy would be $10,689,965, a reduction of <br />$71,050. The revised levy represents a 9.5 % increase over 2004. <br /> <br />Final Budget Considerations <br />Over the past few weeks, Staff has continued to evaluate proposed spending plans in an effort to <br />finalize a Budget that; reflects the City's current financial challengcs, addresses the core needs of <br />the community, and is sustainable. <br /> <br />As such, Staff is proposing that the Police FTE-equivalent ~ivilian position scheduled to be <br />eliminated on 6130105, be accomplished by; reducing the culrrent complement of Community <br />Service Officers from four (4) to two (2), and to eliminate funding for the Police Cadet position <br />which has been less effective in recent years. This would b, il~llieu of eliminating one of the two <br />data technician positions discussed by the City Manager du ng budget review sessions. The <br />transition to a new records management system in the Polic Department has been slowed by <br />technological glitches with the new software, making it Wllikdy that the new records system will <br />come on line in 2005. The elimination of two eso's and tllC cadet position initead of the data <br />technician posjtion will create the same budget savings without sscrificing public safety. <br />; . - . - :. . <br /> <br />Staff is also reaffirming its support to eliminate the City's contribution to the I35W Coalition. A <br />letter recently received from the I35W Coalition requests that tile City contribute $9,000 in 2005' <br />(At one point, the City contributed as much as $33,000). However, Staff favors a more targeted <br />effort when a need is identified. <br /> <br />In addition, in light of the recent inspections of the chiller wilt at the Oval, Staff recommends <br />that $30,000 be redirected from the Park Improvement l'mgram (PlP} to the Skating Center to <br />provide for the re-inspection of the chiller unit at the endoflhcskating season, or for other <br />unforeseen repairs and replacements. The Total budget j;:H' the rat!:.s & Recreation function <br />would not change. <br /> <br />Finally, the Council is reminded that the 2005 Budget reflects ~e 3'd consecutive year of cuts to <br />programs and services. . What little discretionary spendin that had been aVailable, was <br />eliminated in previous years. In order to achieve structural udget balance for 2005, staffing <br />reductions are necessary. Further sustainable budget cuts will require additional staffing <br />reductions. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />It /07 <br /> <br />_~i <br />