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May 13, ] 974 <br />M�MORANDUM <br />TO: City Council <br />Cii-y of Roseville <br />FROM: Midwest Planning and Research, Inc. <br />SUBJECT: Extension af Special Use Permit for Roland Fleck <br />1. The sketch at t-he left indicates the location of the praperty owned by Roland <br />Fleck for which a speciaf use permit for a planned unit development consiting <br />of 36 units was approved by the City Council in Noverrsber of 1973. T�e <br />appiicant is appearing A/Say 20th to.request an extension of the 6 month permit <br />with anticipation of beginning the co�struction in 3974. The plan was approved <br />by the Planning Commission wifhout opposition from contiguous property owners. <br />There would appear to be no problem with respect to consideration of the <br />exfension requesf. <br />2. At this time, Mr. Fleck has also submitted a more deiaiied site plan with slight <br />chang�s, all of which we .suggest constitute imp�ovemenfs in the plan. These <br />changes are: <br />a. lnstead of reci-Qngular blocks of 6 to 8 units per si-ructure, the sfructures <br />wi I E now be offset in two and i-hrees . This tends to break up the mass <br />oF the buildings, reduce the scale, and malce them more infieresting to <br />the eye. {See large scale site plqn at the meeting.} <br />b. [nstead of a single garage and carport per unit, the a}�plicant now proposes <br />to provide two encEosed garag� spaces per unif with a separate walkway <br />to the entrance gates to the courtyard between the garages anc! the front <br />doors to the units (as was originqlly done in the Ban Con t4wnhouse units <br />off County Road C and Western). <br />c. The ap�licant reorients fihe southeasterly unifs toward the soufheast (toward <br />existing townhauses}, This reduces the asphalt area significantly and <br />improves fhe circulation system, <br />The n�mber and size of units remains the same, as the access and egress. <br />3. The criteria used by your staFf in considering minor adjustments of an improved pian <br />are that the changes are indeed minor, and that each of them consfitut�s an <br />im rovement to the sife plan, ln this case, the offsetfiing of the buildings, the <br />provision for two garages each, and the reduction of the asphaif and circulation <br />space, in our opinion, pEl constitute im�rovements in the site plan. <br />