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MEETING <br />REQUEST FOR CQUNClL ACTiON DATE; _.Tlln� 197d. <br />AGEN�A SECTION: ORIGINA7ING flEPT./DIV.: DEPT. HEAD APPROVAL. <br />Hearings Administration <br />�. � NO.: 1TEM DESCRlPTi0N:�1C'tOT L3I1]E�tl request for final plat approval MGR. REVIEWED/RECOMMENDS: <br />� l at 25b2 I�: Cleveland Avenue. �.�,� <br />The Co�mcil at its May 20th meetin.g appxoved Mr. Lametti's request <br />for rezoning from I-1 to B-3, special use permit and variance to height <br />ii.mitatiQns at 2562 N. Cleveland for the construction of a motel. The <br />�iearzng on the final plat was continued imtil the Jtm.e 10th meeting <br />because the hard shells had not been co�oleted. The hard. shells have <br />now been received and hav�e been approved by the Public Works Director. <br />The fozlowing motion is suggested: <br />Motion approving the application of Victor Lametti for final <br />plat approval "Lametti Addition No. 3" at 2562 N. Cleveland. <br />Avenue. <br />At the last meeting of the City Coi.mcil the matter of the rezoning and <br />platting o� �he proposed Cricket Inn on the northeast corner of Cleveland <br />and Oakcrest was reviewed by the Co�cil, Ai that time, preliminary <br />approval was given, but there was some concern expressed as to large tr�cks <br />parking on the premises in areas desigiated for passenger vehicles, thereby <br />creating a shortage of parking and an tandesirable condition. After discussing <br />this matter with our code enforcement staff and the police department, it was <br />detexmined that the most applicable way to handle the situation would be <br />through the enforcement of the traffic rule section of the City ordinance. <br />Section 86.020, parts 3 and. 4 both speak ta �he point of vehicles parked <br />on private parking 1ots; the first saying that no vehicle can be parked in <br />areas which are not d.eszgna�ed by sign or surface stripping, the se�ond <br />stating that they cannot be parked in any area designated as a moving lane. <br />The Cricket Inn woula either have to designate a speci�ied Iocation on its <br />property for such large vehicles or they would not be allowed to park in the <br />area. If these trucks would �hen choose the option of parking on Oakcrest <br />or Cleveland, and this would prove to be a nuisance, then parking could be <br />banned in �his area to resolve the problem. <br />It is recor�miended that this provision in the existing City ordinance be made <br />Imown to the proposed Cricket Tnn proprietors so tha� they car� proceed with <br />full lmowledge of what wi11 be expected of them. The ordinance, naturally, <br />will also apply to the HoZiday Inn as we11 as other establishments throughout <br />the Ci�ty. <br />
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