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J une 5, 1974 <br />PLANNING REPQRT <br />CAS E N UM BE R: 830-74 <br />APPLICANT: Willmus Construction Company <br />2025 West Counfy Road C <br />Rosevi{le, Minnesota <br />LOCA7tON: Southeast Corner of Prior Avenue <br />qnd Oafccresi- �See 5ketch} <br />ACTlQN REQUESTED: Approval of Preiiminary Pfat <br />PLANNING CONSIDERA7IQNS: <br />1. The proper�y ir� question consists of 4.98 acres, which the appiicant proposes <br />to divide by platting fhe property into two lots, one of which will have <br />100,000 square feet and the other will have 1 i7,200 square feet with frontage <br />of 259.16 feet on Oakcrest (th� westerly parcel) and 24i .42 feet of frontage <br />(the easteriy parcel). 7he property is zoned light industrial and the applicant <br />praposes to construcf a warehouse and office fqcifity on each of the pqrceis <br />similar to the construction done by the applicant across Qakcrest to the north, <br />2. The appl icant is requesting the approval of a prel iminary plat to simply <br />divicle the Property into two �arceis. Ap�ropriate street decfication for both <br />Prior Avenue and Oakcrest have previously been accomplished. Shere woulc! <br />appear to be no problem with respect to the division of the land as proposed. <br />3. The applicant has prepared a site plan indicafiing how he proposes to develop <br />the Iand. A copy of this plan at large scale wi{1 be avaiiable at the hearing. <br />